Simulation setup
To simulate FMU `IntegerNetwork1.fmu` with OMSimulator run ```bash $ wine64 /var/lib/jenkins3/ws/Sandbox/Andreas/OMSimulator-FMI-Cross-Check/OMSimulatorBinaries/OMSimulator-mingw64/bin/OMSimulator.exe --stripRoot=true --skipCSVHeader=true --addParametersToCSV=true --intervals=500 --suppressPath=true --timeout=60 IntegerNetwork1.lua ``` Lua file: ```lua -- Lua file for IntegerNetwork1.fmu oms_setTempDirectory("temp") oms_newModel("model") oms_addSystem("model.root", oms_system_wc) -- instantiate FMU oms_addSubModel("model.root.fmu", "../../../../../../../../../fmus/2.0/cs/win64/Dymola/2017/IntegerNetwork1/IntegerNetwork1.fmu") -- Simulation settings oms_setSignalFilter("model", ".*") oms_setResultFile("model", "IntegerNetwork1_out.csv") oms_setStartTime("model", 0.0) oms_setStopTime("model", 10.0) oms_setTolerance("model", 0.0001) initialStepSize, minimumStepSize, maximumStepSize, status = oms_getVariableStepSize("model") oms_setVariableStepSize("model", 0.02, minimumStepSize, 0.02) oms_setFixedStepSize("model", 0.02) -- Instantiate, initialize and simulate oms_instantiate("model") oms_initialize("model") oms_simulate("model") oms_terminate("model") oms_delete("model") ``` See the [OMSimulator documentation]( for more information.
info: Result file: IntegerNetwork1_out.csv (bufferSize=1) warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with CV_TOO_CLOSE: tout too close to t0 to start integration. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 8 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 8 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 8.43215 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 8.43215 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 8.5 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 8.5 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9.16667 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9.16667 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9.5 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9.5 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9.6 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9.6 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9.7335 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: fmu (): CVODE: CVode failed with NONE: Internal t = 9.7335 and h = 6.66134e-016 are such that t + h = t on the next step. The solver will continue anyway. warning: temp directory "Z:\var\lib\jenkins3\ws\Sandbox\Andreas\OMSimulator-FMI-Cross-Check\OMSimulator\testsuite\fmi-cross-check\fmi-cross-check\results\2.0\cs\win64\OMSimulator\v2.0.0\Dymola\2017\IntegerNetwork1\temp\model-0fo2q06l" couldn't be removed filesystem error: cannot remove all: Permission denied [Z:\var\lib\jenkins3\ws\Sandbox\Andreas\OMSimulator-FMI-Cross-Check\OMSimulator\testsuite\fmi-cross-check\fmi-cross-check\results\2.0\cs\win64\OMSimulator\v2.0.0\Dymola\2017\IntegerNetwork1\temp\model-0fo2q06l] info: 18 warnings info: 0 errors