Running: ./ --libraries=/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries --ompython_omhome=/usr PowerSystems_PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq.conf.json loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices time 0.001341/0.001341, allocations: 124.8 kB / 17.79 MB, free: 5.266 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex time 0.001293/0.001293, allocations: 186.9 kB / 20.73 MB, free: 2.332 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica time 1.491/1.491, allocations: 225.6 MB / 249.1 MB, free: 3.617 MB / 190.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 178] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/PowerSystems 2.0.0/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/PowerSystems 2.0.0/ time 0.1844/0.1844, allocations: 38.49 MB / 342.5 MB, free: 8.039 MB / 270.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] Using package PowerSystems with version 2.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/PowerSystems 2.0.0/ Using package Modelica with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica Using package Complex with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex Using package ModelicaServices with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices Running command: "" <> buildModelFMU(PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq,fileNamePrefix="PowerSystems_PowerSystems_Examples_Generic_Network_NetworkLoop_dq",fmuType="me",version="2.0",platforms={"static"}) "" <> buildModelFMU(PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq,fileNamePrefix="PowerSystems_PowerSystems_Examples_Generic_Network_NetworkLoop_dq",fmuType="me",version="2.0",platforms={"static"}) [Timeout 660] "Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - loaded program: time 0.001938/0.001938, allocations: 63.53 kB / 478.6 MB, free: 33.89 MB / 366.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - Absyn->SCode: time 0.1022/0.1042, allocations: 61.26 MB / 0.5272 GB, free: 1.359 MB / 382.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instantiate(PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq): time 0.008914/0.1131, allocations: 7.507 MB / 0.5345 GB, free: 9.824 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instExpressions: time 0.006434/0.1195, allocations: 4.428 MB / 0.5389 GB, free: 5.379 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.updateImplicitVariability: time 0.0004863/0.12, allocations: 15.94 kB / 0.5389 GB, free: 5.363 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeComponents: time 0.002733/0.1227, allocations: 1.047 MB / 0.5399 GB, free: 4.312 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeBindings: time 0.003804/0.1265, allocations: 1.211 MB / 0.5411 GB, free: 3.098 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeClassSections: time 0.001397/0.1279, allocations: 323.1 kB / 0.5414 GB, free: 2.781 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.flatten: time 0.002432/0.1304, allocations: 1.406 MB / 0.5428 GB, free: 1.371 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.resolveConnections: time 0.00126/0.1316, allocations: 0.5206 MB / 0.5433 GB, free: 0.8438 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFEvalConstants.evaluate: time 0.001315/0.1329, allocations: 0.6225 MB / 0.5439 GB, free: 224 kB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFSimplifyModel.simplify: time 0.001565/0.1345, allocations: 0.7515 MB / 0.5446 GB, free: 15.46 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFPackage.collectConstants: time 0.0001554/0.1347, allocations: 60 kB / 0.5447 GB, free: 15.41 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.collectFunctions: time 0.003711/0.1384, allocations: 1.376 MB / 0.546 GB, free: 14.03 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFScalarize.scalarize: time 0.0008239/0.1392, allocations: 486.7 kB / 0.5465 GB, free: 13.55 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFVerifyModel.verify: time 0.0008367/0.14, allocations: 449.8 kB / 0.5469 GB, free: 13.11 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFConvertDAE.convert: time 0.003431/0.1435, allocations: 1.452 MB / 0.5483 GB, free: 11.65 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - DAE generated: time 9.909e-06/0.1435, allocations: 4 kB / 0.5483 GB, free: 11.65 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd: time 2.083e-06/0.1435, allocations: 0 / 0.5483 GB, free: 11.65 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of Transformations before backend: time 2.027e-05/0.1435, allocations: 0 / 0.5483 GB, free: 11.65 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Model statistics after passing the front-end and creating the data structures used by the back-end: * Number of equations: 203 * Number of variables: 203 Notification: Performance of Generate backend data structure: time 0.002/0.1455, allocations: 1.153 MB / 0.5495 GB, free: 10.44 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of prepare preOptimizeDAE: time 5.176e-05/0.1455, allocations: 15.89 kB / 0.5495 GB, free: 10.42 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt introduceOutputAliases (simulation): time 0.0001622/0.1457, allocations: 131.2 kB / 0.5496 GB, free: 10.29 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt normalInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.003188/0.1489, allocations: 387.9 kB / 0.55 GB, free: 9.906 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt evaluateParameters (simulation): time 0.0009987/0.1499, allocations: 490.9 kB / 0.5504 GB, free: 9.391 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt simplifyIfEquations (simulation): time 5.213e-05/0.1499, allocations: 58.36 kB / 0.5505 GB, free: 9.336 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt expandDerOperator (simulation): time 0.0001375/0.1501, allocations: 76.31 kB / 0.5506 GB, free: 9.262 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt clockPartitioning (simulation): time 0.001914/0.152, allocations: 1.176 MB / 0.5517 GB, free: 8.059 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt findStateOrder (simulation): time 2.734e-05/0.152, allocations: 0 / 0.5517 GB, free: 8.059 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt replaceEdgeChange (simulation): time 7.888e-05/0.1521, allocations: 31.98 kB / 0.5518 GB, free: 8.027 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 0.0001/0.1522, allocations: 69.95 kB / 0.5518 GB, free: 7.961 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeEqualRHS (simulation): time 0.002011/0.1542, allocations: 1.245 MB / 0.553 GB, free: 6.715 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.006399/0.1606, allocations: 3.492 MB / 0.5564 GB, free: 3.129 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt comSubExp (simulation): time 0.001733/0.1623, allocations: 0.9833 MB / 0.5574 GB, free: 2.125 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt resolveLoops (simulation): time 0.000912/0.1633, allocations: 0.5979 MB / 0.558 GB, free: 1.52 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt evalFunc (simulation): time 6.195e-05/0.1633, allocations: 16.98 kB / 0.558 GB, free: 1.504 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt encapsulateWhenConditions (simulation): time 4.08e-05/0.1634, allocations: 47.78 kB / 0.5581 GB, free: 1.449 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of pre-optimization done (n=91): time 2.735e-06/0.1634, allocations: 0 / 0.5581 GB, free: 1.449 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=92): time 0.00701/0.1704, allocations: 3.096 MB / 0.5611 GB, free: 14.33 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of inlineWhenForInitialization (initialization): time 6.913e-05/0.1704, allocations: 90.23 kB / 0.5612 GB, free: 14.22 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of selectInitializationVariablesDAE (initialization): time 0.0004452/0.1709, allocations: 365.5 kB / 0.5615 GB, free: 13.86 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of collectPreVariables (initialization): time 6.27e-05/0.1709, allocations: 45.64 kB / 0.5616 GB, free: 13.8 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of collectInitialEqns (initialization): time 0.0002264/0.1712, allocations: 324.9 kB / 0.5619 GB, free: 13.48 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of collectInitialBindings (initialization): time 0.000314/0.1715, allocations: 325.2 kB / 0.5622 GB, free: 13.16 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of simplifyInitialFunctions (initialization): time 0.0002569/0.1717, allocations: 158.6 kB / 0.5623 GB, free: 13 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of setup shared object (initialization): time 0.0001871/0.1719, allocations: 366.8 kB / 0.5627 GB, free: 12.63 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of preBalanceInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.0007164/0.1727, allocations: 469.7 kB / 0.5631 GB, free: 12.18 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of partitionIndependentBlocks (initialization): time 0.0008158/0.1735, allocations: 0.5696 MB / 0.5637 GB, free: 11.57 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of analyzeInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.001691/0.1752, allocations: 1.113 MB / 0.5648 GB, free: 10.43 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of solveInitialSystemEqSystem (initialization): time 2.905e-06/0.1752, allocations: 0 / 0.5648 GB, free: 10.43 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=107) (initialization): time 0.002801/0.178, allocations: 1.473 MB / 0.5662 GB, free: 8.949 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 2.42e-05/0.178, allocations: 8 kB / 0.5662 GB, free: 8.941 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (initialization): time 1.07e-05/0.178, allocations: 4 kB / 0.5662 GB, free: 8.938 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (initialization): time 0.0009971/0.179, allocations: 330.2 kB / 0.5665 GB, free: 8.613 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (initialization): time 0.0007353/0.1797, allocations: 179.7 kB / 0.5667 GB, free: 8.438 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (initialization): time 0.006018/0.1857, allocations: 4.191 MB / 0.5708 GB, free: 4.078 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (initialization): time 0.0007054/0.1865, allocations: 47.95 kB / 0.5708 GB, free: 4.031 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (initialization): time 0.0001112/0.1866, allocations: 43.97 kB / 0.5709 GB, free: 3.988 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for initialization: * Number of independent subsystems: 10 * Number of states: 0 () * Number of discrete variables: 1 (system.initime) * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for initialization (80): * Single equations (assignments): 79 * Array equations: 0 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 1 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 1 system {(2,26,100.0%)} * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 0 systems Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 0.0004994/0.1871, allocations: 285.5 kB / 0.5712 GB, free: 3.699 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt lateInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.0001267/0.1872, allocations: 59.62 kB / 0.5712 GB, free: 3.641 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt wrapFunctionCalls (simulation): time 0.002831/0.19, allocations: 1.559 MB / 0.5727 GB, free: 2.066 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 1.106e-05/0.19, allocations: 8 kB / 0.5727 GB, free: 2.059 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt constantLinearSystem (simulation): time 1.173e-05/0.19, allocations: 8 kB / 0.5727 GB, free: 2.051 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifysemiLinear (simulation): time 1.441e-05/0.1901, allocations: 7.969 kB / 0.5728 GB, free: 2.043 MB / 430.1 MB Warning: The model contains alias variables with redundant start and/or conflicting nominal values. It is recommended to resolve the conflicts, because otherwise the system could be hard to solve. To print the conflicting alias sets and the chosen candidates please use -d=aliasConflicts. Notification: Performance of postOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.005601/0.1957, allocations: 3.015 MB / 0.5757 GB, free: 14.9 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (simulation): time 9.708e-06/0.1957, allocations: 4 kB / 0.5757 GB, free: 14.9 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.0006592/0.1963, allocations: 164.2 kB / 0.5759 GB, free: 14.74 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (simulation): time 0.0008372/0.1972, allocations: 284.6 kB / 0.5761 GB, free: 14.46 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt inputDerivativesUsed (simulation): time 6.953e-05/0.1972, allocations: 31.98 kB / 0.5762 GB, free: 14.43 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (simulation): time 0.005534/0.2028, allocations: 3.915 MB / 0.58 GB, free: 10.36 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStateSetsJacobians (simulation): time 5.54e-06/0.2028, allocations: 8.062 kB / 0.58 GB, free: 10.35 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt symbolicJacobian (simulation): time 0.002687/0.2055, allocations: 1.587 MB / 0.5815 GB, free: 8.699 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeConstants (simulation): time 0.0002166/0.2057, allocations: 144.7 kB / 0.5817 GB, free: 8.539 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyTimeIndepFuncCalls (simulation): time 9.98e-05/0.2058, allocations: 23.94 kB / 0.5817 GB, free: 8.516 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (simulation): time 0.000465/0.2062, allocations: 43.89 kB / 0.5817 GB, free: 8.473 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt findZeroCrossings (simulation): time 0.0001591/0.2064, allocations: 76.89 kB / 0.5818 GB, free: 8.395 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (simulation): time 8.043e-05/0.2065, allocations: 43.92 kB / 0.5819 GB, free: 8.352 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of sorting global known variables: time 0.0003285/0.2068, allocations: 259.1 kB / 0.5821 GB, free: 8.102 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of sort global known variables: time 8.1e-08/0.2068, allocations: 0 / 0.5821 GB, free: 8.102 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of remove unused functions: time 0.001045/0.2079, allocations: 308 kB / 0.5824 GB, free: 7.801 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for simulation: * Number of independent subsystems: 16 * Number of states: 0 () * Number of discrete variables: 1 (system.initime) * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for simulation (82): * Single equations (assignments): 80 * Array equations: 0 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 1 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 1 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 1 system {(2,24,100.0%)} * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 0 systems Notification: Performance of Backend phase and start with SimCode phase: time 0.002965/0.2108, allocations: 2.153 MB / 0.5845 GB, free: 5.57 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of simCode: created initialization part: time 0.002311/0.2131, allocations: 1.335 MB / 0.5858 GB, free: 4.223 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of simCode: created event and clocks part: time 4.769e-06/0.2131, allocations: 0 / 0.5858 GB, free: 4.223 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of simCode: created simulation system equations: time 0.001309/0.2144, allocations: 0.8086 MB / 0.5866 GB, free: 3.402 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of simCode: created of all other equations (e.g. parameter, nominal, assert, etc): time 0.0007185/0.2152, allocations: 111.4 kB / 0.5867 GB, free: 3.301 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of simCode: created linear, non-linear and system jacobian parts: time 0.01117/0.2263, allocations: 7.536 MB / 0.5941 GB, free: 11.52 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of simCode: some other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.0008167/0.2271, allocations: 1.068 MB / 0.5951 GB, free: 10.43 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of simCode: alias equations: time 0.0004746/0.2276, allocations: 184.6 kB / 0.5953 GB, free: 10.25 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of simCode: all other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.0004175/0.228, allocations: 255.3 kB / 0.5955 GB, free: 10 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of SimCode: time 1.002e-06/0.228, allocations: 0 / 0.5955 GB, free: 10 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of buildModelFMU: Generate the FMI files: time 0.2828/0.5109, allocations: 16.88 MB / 0.612 GB, free: 72.3 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of buildModelFMU: Generate platform static: time 10.9/11.41, allocations: 14.78 kB / 0.612 GB, free: 72.29 MB / 462.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 649] (rm -f PowerSystems_PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq.pipe ; mkfifo PowerSystems_PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq.pipe ; head -c 1048576 < PowerSystems_PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq.pipe >> ../files/PowerSystems_PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq.sim & /home/hudson/saved_omc/OMSimulator/install/bin/OMSimulator --tempDir=temp_PowerSystems_PowerSystems_Examples_Generic_Network_NetworkLoop_dq_fmu --startTime=0 --stopTime=1 --stepSize=0.0004 --timeout=50 --tolerance=1e-06 PowerSystems_PowerSystems_Examples_Generic_Network_NetworkLoop_dq.fmu > PowerSystems_PowerSystems.Examples.Generic.Network.NetworkLoop_dq.pipe 2>&1) [Timeout 52.5] [Calling sys.exit(0), Time elapsed: 14.284609504044056] Failed to read output from, exit status != 0: 11.498222964350134 11.51010234 11.364385095 Calling exit ...