Running: ./ --libraries=/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries --ompython_omhome=/usr ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2.conf.json loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/ time 0.001593/0.001593, allocations: 116.8 kB / 19.17 MB, free: 3.895 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/ time 0.001843/0.001843, allocations: 214.6 kB / 22.13 MB, free: 0.9414 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica trunk/ time 1.607/1.607, allocations: 230.2 MB / 255.1 MB, free: 15.24 MB / 206.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 178] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaTest", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaTest time 0.2381/0.2381, allocations: 46.88 MB / 358.1 MB, free: 10.52 MB / 286.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] Using package ModelicaTest with version 4.1.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaTest Using package Modelica with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica trunk/ Using package Complex with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/ Using package ModelicaServices with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/ Running command: translateModel(ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="empty",numberOfIntervals=2500,variableFilter="",fileNamePrefix="ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2") translateModel(ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="empty",numberOfIntervals=2500,variableFilter="",fileNamePrefix="ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2") [Timeout 660] "Warning: Requested package Modelica of version 4.1.0, but this package was already loaded with version trunk. OpenModelica cannot reason about compatibility between the two packages since they are not semantic versions. Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - loaded program: time 0.002288/0.002288, allocations: 83.86 kB / 0.4924 GB, free: 8.148 MB / 350.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - Absyn->SCode: time 0.142/0.1443, allocations: 65.99 MB / 0.5568 GB, free: 6.031 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instantiate(ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2): time 0.7001/0.8444, allocations: 259.6 MB / 0.8104 GB, free: 13.76 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instExpressions: time 0.0223/0.8667, allocations: 11.27 MB / 0.8214 GB, free: 2.48 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of NFInst.updateImplicitVariability: time 0.004307/0.871, allocations: 103.3 kB / 0.8215 GB, free: 2.379 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeComponents: time 0.004354/0.8754, allocations: 1.2 MB / 0.8226 GB, free: 1.172 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeBindings: time 0.01514/0.8905, allocations: 4.475 MB / 0.827 GB, free: 12.68 MB / 0.6387 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeClassSections: time 0.01411/0.9046, allocations: 4.745 MB / 0.8316 GB, free: 7.941 MB / 0.6387 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.flatten: time 0.559/1.464, allocations: 40.16 MB / 0.8709 GB, free: 7.035 MB / 0.6387 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.resolveConnections: time 0.02041/1.484, allocations: 9.453 MB / 0.8801 GB, free: 22.82 MB / 0.6544 GB Notification: Performance of NFEvalConstants.evaluate: time 0.04015/1.524, allocations: 18.72 MB / 0.8984 GB, free: 22.53 MB / 0.6544 GB Notification: Performance of NFSimplifyModel.simplify: time 0.02538/1.55, allocations: 11.69 MB / 0.9098 GB, free: 20.66 MB / 0.6544 GB Notification: Performance of NFPackage.collectConstants: time 0.009151/1.559, allocations: 1.629 MB / 0.9114 GB, free: 20.34 MB / 0.6544 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.collectFunctions: time 0.01895/1.578, allocations: 3.047 MB / 0.9144 GB, free: 17.82 MB / 0.6544 GB Notification: Performance of NFScalarize.scalarize: time 0.01897/1.597, allocations: 11.44 MB / 0.9255 GB, free: 8.992 MB / 0.6544 GB Notification: Performance of NFVerifyModel.verify: time 0.03614/1.633, allocations: 14.4 MB / 0.9396 GB, free: 14.42 MB / 0.67 GB Notification: Performance of NFConvertDAE.convert: time 0.07262/1.705, allocations: 36.92 MB / 0.9756 GB, free: 12.57 MB / 0.7012 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - DAE generated: time 1.886e-05/1.705, allocations: 3.984 kB / 0.9756 GB, free: 12.57 MB / 0.7012 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd: time 3.185e-06/1.705, allocations: 0 / 0.9756 GB, free: 12.57 MB / 0.7012 GB Notification: Performance of Transformations before backend: time 0.001387/1.707, allocations: 1.656 kB / 0.9756 GB, free: 12.57 MB / 0.7012 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the front-end and creating the data structures used by the back-end: * Number of equations: 7332 * Number of variables: 7332 Notification: Performance of Generate backend data structure: time 0.09906/1.806, allocations: 29.91 MB / 1.005 GB, free: 14.61 MB / 0.7325 GB Notification: Performance of prepare preOptimizeDAE: time 5.326e-05/1.806, allocations: 12.03 kB / 1.005 GB, free: 14.6 MB / 0.7325 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt normalInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.03625/1.842, allocations: 4.614 MB / 1.009 GB, free: 9.973 MB / 0.7325 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt evaluateParameters (simulation): time 0.03609/1.878, allocations: 11.71 MB / 1.021 GB, free: 14.99 MB / 0.7481 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt simplifyIfEquations (simulation): time 0.001857/1.88, allocations: 1.354 MB / 1.022 GB, free: 13.64 MB / 0.7481 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt expandDerOperator (simulation): time 0.009588/1.89, allocations: 1.864 MB / 1.024 GB, free: 11.8 MB / 0.7481 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt clockPartitioning (simulation): time 0.1117/2.001, allocations: 43.2 MB / 1.066 GB, free: 15.74 MB / 0.795 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt findStateOrder (simulation): time 0.001233/2.003, allocations: 107.6 kB / 1.066 GB, free: 15.66 MB / 0.795 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt replaceEdgeChange (simulation): time 0.009838/2.012, allocations: 0.8321 MB / 1.067 GB, free: 14.85 MB / 0.795 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 0.004457/2.017, allocations: 3.99 MB / 1.071 GB, free: 10.86 MB / 0.795 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeEqualRHS (simulation): time 0.09641/2.113, allocations: 39.26 MB / 1.109 GB, free: 3.805 MB / 0.8262 GB Warning: The model contains alias variables with redundant start and/or conflicting nominal values. It is recommended to resolve the conflicts, because otherwise the system could be hard to solve. To print the conflicting alias sets and the chosen candidates please use -d=aliasConflicts. Notification: Performance of preOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.9975/3.111, allocations: 142.2 MB / 1.248 GB, free: 314.5 MB / 0.8575 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt comSubExp (simulation): time 0.05554/3.166, allocations: 43.31 MB / 1.29 GB, free: 283.4 MB / 0.8575 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt resolveLoops (simulation): time 0.02906/3.195, allocations: 17.93 MB / 1.308 GB, free: 265.4 MB / 0.8575 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt evalFunc (simulation): time 0.003585/3.199, allocations: 0.5005 MB / 1.308 GB, free: 264.9 MB / 0.8575 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt encapsulateWhenConditions (simulation): time 0.0004432/3.2, allocations: 382.3 kB / 1.309 GB, free: 264.5 MB / 0.8575 GB Notification: Performance of pre-optimization done (n=2690): time 3.007e-05/3.2, allocations: 0 / 1.309 GB, free: 264.5 MB / 0.8575 GB Warning: Some equations could not be differentiated for following variables having attribute stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer. They will be treated as if they had stateSelect=StateSelect.default ======================================== 1: pipeAV_B.mediums[29].T 2: pipeAV_B.mediums[27].T 3: pipeAV_B.mediums[25].T 4: pipeAV_B.mediums[24].T 5: pipeAV_B.mediums[23].T 6: pipeAV_B.mediums[22].T 7: pipeAV_B.mediums[21].T 8: pipeAV_B.mediums[20].T 9: pipeAV_B.mediums[19].T 10: pipeAV_B.mediums[17].T 11: pipeAV_B.mediums[15].T 12: pipeAV_B.mediums[13].T 13: pipeAV_B.mediums[12].T 14: pipeAV_B.mediums[11].T 15: pipeAV_B.mediums[9].T 16: pipeAV_B.mediums[7].T 17: pipeAV_B.mediums[6].T 18: pipeAV_B.mediums[4].T 19: pipeAV_B.mediums[1].T 20: pipeAV_B.mediums[30].T 21: pipeAV_B.mediums[28].T 22: pipeAV_B.mediums[26].T 23: pipeAV_B.mediums[18].T 24: pipeAV_B.mediums[16].T 25: pipeAV_B.mediums[14].T 26: pipeAV_B.mediums[10].T 27: pipeAV_B.mediums[8].T 28: pipeAV_B.mediums[5].T 29: pipeAV_B.mediums[3].T 30: pipeAV_B.mediums[2].T Please use -d=bltdump for more information. Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=3406): time 2.717/5.916, allocations: 0.5543 GB / 1.863 GB, free: 143.8 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of inlineWhenForInitialization (initialization): time 0.0002514/5.916, allocations: 0.6726 MB / 1.864 GB, free: 143 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of selectInitializationVariablesDAE (initialization): time 0.02135/5.938, allocations: 15.28 MB / 1.879 GB, free: 127.9 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of collectPreVariables (initialization): time 0.006738/5.944, allocations: 0.5954 MB / 1.879 GB, free: 127.3 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of collectInitialEqns (initialization): time 0.006461/5.951, allocations: 10.07 MB / 1.889 GB, free: 118.2 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of collectInitialBindings (initialization): time 0.01232/5.963, allocations: 12.48 MB / 1.901 GB, free: 105.9 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of simplifyInitialFunctions (initialization): time 0.02622/5.989, allocations: 7.024 MB / 1.908 GB, free: 98.86 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of setup shared object (initialization): time 6.235e-05/5.99, allocations: 301.1 kB / 1.908 GB, free: 98.56 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of preBalanceInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.03257/6.022, allocations: 18.62 MB / 1.927 GB, free: 79.93 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of partitionIndependentBlocks (initialization): time 0.358/6.38, allocations: 26.72 MB / 1.953 GB, free: 360.7 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of analyzeInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.3573/6.737, allocations: 123.2 MB / 2.073 GB, free: 295.6 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of solveInitialSystemEqSystem (initialization): time 0.0007408/6.738, allocations: 67.75 kB / 2.073 GB, free: 295.5 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=4770) (initialization): time 0.1319/6.87, allocations: 63.69 MB / 2.135 GB, free: 232.6 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 0.00025/6.87, allocations: 103.9 kB / 2.135 GB, free: 232.5 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (initialization): time 0.0003405/6.871, allocations: 220 kB / 2.136 GB, free: 232.3 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (initialization): time 0.08345/6.954, allocations: 36.49 MB / 2.171 GB, free: 195.4 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (initialization): time 0.03457/6.989, allocations: 8.453 MB / 2.18 GB, free: 187 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (initialization): time 0.1342/7.123, allocations: 134.6 MB / 2.311 GB, free: 49.66 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (initialization): time 0.03024/7.153, allocations: 1.866 MB / 2.313 GB, free: 47.79 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (initialization): time 0.009879/7.163, allocations: 2.652 MB / 2.315 GB, free: 45.14 MB / 0.8577 GB Warning: Assuming fixed start value for the following 238 variables: pipeA_V_B.mediums[1].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 2e5 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[1].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[2].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 196551.72413793104 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[2].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[3].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 193103.44827586206 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[3].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[4].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 189655.1724137931 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[4].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[5].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 186206.89655172414 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[5].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[6].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 182758.6206896552 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[6].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[7].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 179310.3448275862 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[7].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[8].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 175862.06896551725 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[8].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[9].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 172413.7931034483 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[9].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[10].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 168965.5172413793 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[10].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[11].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 165517.24137931035 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[11].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[12].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 162068.9655172414 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[12].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[13].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 158620.6896551724 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[13].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[14].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 155172.41379310345 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[14].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[15].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 151724.1379310345 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[15].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[16].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 148275.8620689655 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[16].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[17].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 144827.58620689655 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[17].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[18].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 141379.3103448276 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[18].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[19].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 137931.0344827586 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[19].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[20].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 134482.75862068965 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[20].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[21].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 131034.4827586207 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[21].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[22].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 127586.20689655172 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[22].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[23].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 124137.93103448275 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[23].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[24].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 120689.6551724138 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[24].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[25].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 117241.37931034483 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[25].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[26].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 113793.10344827586 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[26].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[27].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 110344.8275862069 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[27].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[28].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 106896.55172413793 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[28].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[29].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 103448.27586206897 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[29].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[30].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 1e5 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_V_B.mediums[30].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[1].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 2e5 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[1].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[2].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 196551.72413793104 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[2].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[3].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 193103.44827586206 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[3].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[4].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 189655.1724137931 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[4].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[5].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 186206.89655172414 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[5].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[6].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 182758.6206896552 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[6].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[7].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 179310.3448275862 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[7].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[8].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 175862.06896551725 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[8].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[9].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 172413.7931034483 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[9].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[10].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 168965.5172413793 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[10].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[11].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 165517.24137931035 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[11].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[12].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 162068.9655172414 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[12].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[13].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 158620.6896551724 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[13].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[14].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 155172.41379310345 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[14].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[15].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 151724.1379310345 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[15].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[16].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 148275.8620689655 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[16].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[17].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 144827.58620689655 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[17].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[18].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 141379.3103448276 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[18].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[19].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 137931.0344827586 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[19].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[20].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 134482.75862068965 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[20].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[21].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 131034.4827586207 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[21].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[22].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 127586.20689655172 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[22].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[23].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 124137.93103448275 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[23].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[24].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 120689.6551724138 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[24].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[25].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 117241.37931034483 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[25].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[26].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 113793.10344827586 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[26].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[27].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 110344.8275862069 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[27].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[28].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 106896.55172413793 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[28].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[29].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 103448.27586206897 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[29].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_VB.mediums[30].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[1].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 2e5 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[1].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[2].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 196551.72413793104 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[2].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[3].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 193103.44827586206 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[3].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[4].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 189655.1724137931 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[4].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[5].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 186206.89655172414 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[5].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[6].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 182758.6206896552 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[6].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[7].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 179310.3448275862 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[7].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[8].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 175862.06896551725 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[8].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[9].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 172413.7931034483 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[9].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[10].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 168965.5172413793 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[10].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[11].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 165517.24137931035 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[11].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[12].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 162068.9655172414 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[12].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[13].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 158620.6896551724 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[13].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[14].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 155172.41379310345 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[14].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[15].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 151724.1379310345 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[15].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[16].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 148275.8620689655 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[16].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[17].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 144827.58620689655 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[17].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[18].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 141379.3103448276 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[18].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[19].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 137931.0344827586 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[19].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[20].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 134482.75862068965 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[20].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[21].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 131034.4827586207 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[21].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[22].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 127586.20689655172 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[22].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[23].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 124137.93103448275 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[23].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[24].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 120689.6551724138 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[24].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[25].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 117241.37931034483 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[25].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[26].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 113793.10344827586 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[26].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[27].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 110344.8275862069 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[27].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[28].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 106896.55172413793 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[28].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[29].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 103448.27586206897 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[29].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeA_VB.mediums[30].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[1].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 2e5 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[1].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[2].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 196551.72413793104 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[2].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[3].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 193103.44827586206 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[3].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[4].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 189655.1724137931 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[4].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[5].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 186206.89655172414 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[5].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[6].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 182758.6206896552 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[6].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[7].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 179310.3448275862 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[7].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[8].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 175862.06896551725 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[8].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[9].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 172413.7931034483 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[9].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[10].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 168965.5172413793 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[10].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[11].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 165517.24137931035 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[11].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[12].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 162068.9655172414 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[12].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[13].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 158620.6896551724 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[13].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[14].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 155172.41379310345 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[14].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[15].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 151724.1379310345 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[15].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[16].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 148275.8620689655 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[16].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[17].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 144827.58620689655 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[17].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[18].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 141379.3103448276 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[18].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[19].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 137931.0344827586 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[19].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[20].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 134482.75862068965 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[20].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[21].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 131034.4827586207 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[21].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[22].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 127586.20689655172 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[22].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[23].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 124137.93103448275 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[23].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[24].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 120689.6551724138 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[24].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[25].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 117241.37931034483 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[25].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[26].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 113793.10344827586 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[26].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[27].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 110344.8275862069 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[27].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[28].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 106896.55172413793 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[28].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[29].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 103448.27586206897 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[29].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[30].p:VARIABLE(flow=false min = 0.0 max = 1e8 start = 1e5 unit = \"Pa\" fixed = true nominal = 1e5 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Absolute pressure of medium\" type: Real [30] pipeAV_B.mediums[30].T:VARIABLE(min = 200.0 max = 6000.0 start = 2590.3902659890514 unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 500.0 stateSelect=StateSelect.prefer ) \"Temperature of medium\" type: Real [30] Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for initialization: * Number of independent subsystems: 1004 * Number of states: 0 () * Number of discrete variables: 0 () * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for initialization (4032): * Single equations (assignments): 3908 * Array equations: 0 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 124 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 0 systems * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 124 systems {(1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,4), (30,121), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (31,126), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,4), (31,126), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (30,121)} Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 0.02922/7.192, allocations: 9.963 MB / 2.325 GB, free: 35.46 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt lateInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.01075/7.203, allocations: 2.381 MB / 2.327 GB, free: 33.71 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt wrapFunctionCalls (simulation): time 0.5353/7.738, allocations: 70.63 MB / 2.396 GB, free: 345.9 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 0.0003407/7.739, allocations: 317.7 kB / 2.397 GB, free: 345.9 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt constantLinearSystem (simulation): time 0.0002917/7.739, allocations: 7.203 kB / 2.397 GB, free: 345.9 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifysemiLinear (simulation): time 0.1287/7.868, allocations: 55.29 MB / 2.451 GB, free: 327.1 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.2003/8.068, allocations: 102.2 MB / 2.551 GB, free: 226.7 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (simulation): time 0.0003186/8.068, allocations: 4 kB / 2.551 GB, free: 226.7 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.03038/8.099, allocations: 6.374 MB / 2.557 GB, free: 220.4 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (simulation): time 0.07454/8.173, allocations: 25.16 MB / 2.581 GB, free: 195 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt inputDerivativesUsed (simulation): time 0.009957/8.183, allocations: 1.453 MB / 2.583 GB, free: 193.6 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (simulation): time 0.1403/8.323, allocations: 134.6 MB / 2.714 GB, free: 56.15 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStateSetsJacobians (simulation): time 6.523e-06/8.323, allocations: 11.94 kB / 2.714 GB, free: 56.14 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt symbolicJacobian (simulation): time 0.5456/8.869, allocations: 82.8 MB / 2.795 GB, free: 325.4 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeConstants (simulation): time 0.006622/8.876, allocations: 2.242 MB / 2.797 GB, free: 325.3 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyTimeIndepFuncCalls (simulation): time 0.01191/8.888, allocations: 0.8982 MB / 2.798 GB, free: 325.3 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (simulation): time 0.02675/8.914, allocations: 1.614 MB / 2.8 GB, free: 325.3 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt findZeroCrossings (simulation): time 0.0106/8.925, allocations: 2.361 MB / 2.802 GB, free: 325.3 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (simulation): time 0.008916/8.934, allocations: 2.307 MB / 2.804 GB, free: 325.3 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of sorting global known variables: time 0.01809/8.952, allocations: 10.22 MB / 2.814 GB, free: 322.4 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of sort global known variables: time 2e-07/8.952, allocations: 0 / 2.814 GB, free: 322.4 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of remove unused functions: time 0.0394/8.991, allocations: 9.622 MB / 2.824 GB, free: 321.3 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for simulation: * Number of independent subsystems: 18 * Number of states: 238 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* Number of discrete variables: 0 () * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for simulation (2662): * Single equations (assignments): 2538 * Array equations: 0 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 124 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 1 system {(1,1,100.0%)} * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 123 systems {(1,1), (1,1), (1,4), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (30,121), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), 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Performance of simCode: created simulation system equations: time 0.06473/9.173, allocations: 29.36 MB / 2.905 GB, free: 275 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created of all other equations (e.g. parameter, nominal, assert, etc): time 0.06356/9.237, allocations: 9.331 MB / 2.914 GB, free: 268.1 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created linear, non-linear and system jacobian parts: time 0.1642/9.401, allocations: 83.51 MB / 2.996 GB, free: 191.4 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: some other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.02715/9.428, allocations: 14.52 MB / 3.01 GB, free: 176.8 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: all other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.01969/9.448, allocations: 3.174 MB / 3.013 GB, free: 173.7 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of SimCode: time 1.402e-06/9.448, allocations: 0 / 3.013 GB, free: 173.7 MB / 0.8577 GB Notification: Performance of Templates: time 25.1/34.55, allocations: 10.8 GB / 13.81 GB, free: 252.6 MB / 0.8577 GB " [Timeout remaining time 625] make -j1 -f ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2.makefile [Timeout 660] (rm -f ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2.pipe ; mkfifo ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2.pipe ; head -c 1048576 < ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2.pipe >> ../files/ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2.sim & ./ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2 -abortSlowSimulation -alarm=480 -lv LOG_STATS > ModelicaTest_4.1.0-beta.om_ModelicaTest.Fluid.TestComponents.Pipes.DynamicPipeEnergyConservationCheck2.pipe 2>&1) [Timeout 480] [Calling sys.exit(0), Time elapsed: 161.46814857400022] Failed to read output from, exit status != 0: 34.56033490085974 34.569558188 32.861562443 Calling exit ...