Running: ./ --libraries=/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries --ompython_omhome=/usr BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner.conf.json loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices time 0.001443/0.001443, allocations: 118.7 kB / 17.13 MB, free: 5.758 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex time 0.001496/0.001496, allocations: 193.2 kB / 20.08 MB, free: 2.848 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica time 1.34/1.34, allocations: 225.6 MB / 248.5 MB, free: 3.641 MB / 190.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 178] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/NcDataReader2 2.5.1-master/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/NcDataReader2 2.5.1-master/ time 0.002259/0.002259, allocations: 289.5 kB / 303.6 MB, free: 3.723 MB / 238.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/BuildingSystems 2.0.0-master/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/BuildingSystems 2.0.0-master/ time 0.9915/0.9915, allocations: 180.9 MB / 0.5268 GB, free: 2.734 MB / 382.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 179] Using package BuildingSystems with version 2.0.0-beta (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/BuildingSystems 2.0.0-master/ Using package NcDataReader2 with version 2.5.1 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/NcDataReader2 2.5.1-master/ Using package Modelica with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica Using package Complex with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex Using package ModelicaServices with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices Running command: translateModel(BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="empty",numberOfIntervals=2500,variableFilter="",fileNamePrefix="BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner") translateModel(BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="empty",numberOfIntervals=2500,variableFilter="",fileNamePrefix="BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner") [Timeout 660] "Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - loaded program: time 0.002644/0.002644, allocations: 99.84 kB / 0.7259 GB, free: 8.906 MB / 0.4981 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - Absyn->SCode: time 0.5033/0.5059, allocations: 94.16 MB / 0.8179 GB, free: 7.469 MB / 0.5763 GB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instantiate(BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner): time 0.009972/0.5159, allocations: 12.33 MB / 0.8299 GB, free: 14.56 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instExpressions: time 0.005179/0.5211, allocations: 2.401 MB / 0.8322 GB, free: 12.77 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFInst.updateImplicitVariability: time 0.001584/0.5226, allocations: 69 kB / 0.8323 GB, free: 12.75 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeComponents: time 0.0009739/0.5236, allocations: 433.9 kB / 0.8327 GB, free: 12.5 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeBindings: time 0.002528/0.5261, allocations: 1.054 MB / 0.8338 GB, free: 11.75 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeClassSections: time 0.001107/0.5272, allocations: 460.9 kB / 0.8342 GB, free: 11.49 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.flatten: time 0.004013/0.5313, allocations: 3.301 MB / 0.8374 GB, free: 9.781 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.resolveConnections: time 0.0009446/0.5322, allocations: 0.6984 MB / 0.8381 GB, free: 9.355 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFEvalConstants.evaluate: time 0.001654/0.5339, allocations: 1.171 MB / 0.8392 GB, free: 8.84 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFSimplifyModel.simplify: time 0.001781/0.5356, allocations: 1.371 MB / 0.8406 GB, free: 8.191 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFPackage.collectConstants: time 0.0003901/0.536, allocations: 260.4 kB / 0.8408 GB, free: 8.188 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.collectFunctions: time 0.0005284/0.5366, allocations: 259.2 kB / 0.8411 GB, free: 8.188 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFScalarize.scalarize: time 0.0004891/0.537, allocations: 0.5481 MB / 0.8416 GB, free: 7.809 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFVerifyModel.verify: time 0.001578/0.5386, allocations: 1.379 MB / 0.843 GB, free: 7.008 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of NFConvertDAE.convert: time 0.004091/0.5427, allocations: 3.036 MB / 0.8459 GB, free: 5.832 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - DAE generated: time 7.134e-06/0.5427, allocations: 1.125 kB / 0.8459 GB, free: 5.832 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd: time 1.453e-06/0.5427, allocations: 0 / 0.8459 GB, free: 5.832 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of Transformations before backend: time 9.573e-05/0.5428, allocations: 0 / 0.8459 GB, free: 5.832 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the front-end and creating the data structures used by the back-end: * Number of equations: 569 * Number of variables: 569 Notification: Performance of Generate backend data structure: time 0.005784/0.5486, allocations: 2.81 MB / 0.8487 GB, free: 4.16 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of prepare preOptimizeDAE: time 4.148e-05/0.5486, allocations: 9.625 kB / 0.8487 GB, free: 4.16 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt normalInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.0005512/0.5492, allocations: 286.9 kB / 0.8489 GB, free: 4.016 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt evaluateParameters (simulation): time 0.001671/0.5509, allocations: 1.021 MB / 0.8499 GB, free: 3.305 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt simplifyIfEquations (simulation): time 0.0001324/0.551, allocations: 162.4 kB / 0.8501 GB, free: 3.23 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt expandDerOperator (simulation): time 0.0003208/0.5513, allocations: 221.8 kB / 0.8503 GB, free: 3.156 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt clockPartitioning (simulation): time 0.003655/0.555, allocations: 1.964 MB / 0.8522 GB, free: 2.316 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt findStateOrder (simulation): time 3.944e-05/0.555, allocations: 3.938 kB / 0.8522 GB, free: 2.312 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt replaceEdgeChange (simulation): time 0.0001887/0.5552, allocations: 90.33 kB / 0.8523 GB, free: 2.242 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 4.446e-05/0.5552, allocations: 54 kB / 0.8524 GB, free: 2.242 MB / 0.5919 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeEqualRHS (simulation): time 0.003504/0.5588, allocations: 2.03 MB / 0.8544 GB, free: 1.508 MB / 0.5919 GB Warning: The model contains alias variables with redundant start and/or conflicting nominal values. It is recommended to resolve the conflicts, because otherwise the system could be hard to solve. To print the conflicting alias sets and the chosen candidates please use -d=aliasConflicts. Notification: Performance of preOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.01494/0.5737, allocations: 9.289 MB / 0.8634 GB, free: 9.27 MB / 0.6075 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt comSubExp (simulation): time 0.004298/0.578, allocations: 3.014 MB / 0.8664 GB, free: 6.914 MB / 0.6075 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt resolveLoops (simulation): time 0.001073/0.5791, allocations: 0.6867 MB / 0.867 GB, free: 6.57 MB / 0.6075 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt evalFunc (simulation): time 8.102e-05/0.5791, allocations: 23.66 kB / 0.8671 GB, free: 6.562 MB / 0.6075 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt encapsulateWhenConditions (simulation): time 4.441e-05/0.5792, allocations: 50.69 kB / 0.8671 GB, free: 6.512 MB / 0.6075 GB Notification: Performance of pre-optimization done (n=183): time 3.486e-06/0.5792, allocations: 0 / 0.8671 GB, free: 6.512 MB / 0.6075 GB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=183): time 0.01153/0.5907, allocations: 7.252 MB / 0.8742 GB, free: 15.95 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of inlineWhenForInitialization (initialization): time 7.077e-05/0.5908, allocations: 70.69 kB / 0.8743 GB, free: 15.88 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of selectInitializationVariablesDAE (initialization): time 0.002497/0.5933, allocations: 1.643 MB / 0.8759 GB, free: 14.93 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of collectPreVariables (initialization): time 0.0001012/0.5934, allocations: 54.98 kB / 0.8759 GB, free: 14.88 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of collectInitialEqns (initialization): time 0.0008733/0.5943, allocations: 1.208 MB / 0.8771 GB, free: 13.79 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of collectInitialBindings (initialization): time 0.0006522/0.5949, allocations: 0.7028 MB / 0.8778 GB, free: 13.17 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of simplifyInitialFunctions (initialization): time 0.0007267/0.5956, allocations: 494.5 kB / 0.8783 GB, free: 12.88 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of setup shared object (initialization): time 0.0001192/0.5958, allocations: 306.2 kB / 0.8785 GB, free: 12.57 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of preBalanceInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.001232/0.597, allocations: 0.715 MB / 0.8792 GB, free: 12.22 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of partitionIndependentBlocks (initialization): time 0.001832/0.5988, allocations: 1.482 MB / 0.8807 GB, free: 10.88 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of analyzeInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.009088/0.6079, allocations: 4.24 MB / 0.8848 GB, free: 8.059 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of solveInitialSystemEqSystem (initialization): time 1.647e-05/0.6079, allocations: 10.88 kB / 0.8848 GB, free: 8.055 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=387) (initialization): time 0.00626/0.6142, allocations: 3.552 MB / 0.8883 GB, free: 5.457 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 3.609e-05/0.6142, allocations: 17.88 kB / 0.8883 GB, free: 5.441 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (initialization): time 2.855e-05/0.6143, allocations: 20 kB / 0.8883 GB, free: 5.422 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (initialization): time 0.002794/0.617, allocations: 1.094 MB / 0.8894 GB, free: 4.18 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (initialization): time 0.001971/0.619, allocations: 0.5617 MB / 0.89 GB, free: 3.617 MB / 0.6231 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (initialization): time 0.04908/0.6681, allocations: 67.13 MB / 0.9555 GB, free: 9.762 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (initialization): time 0.003105/0.6712, allocations: 333.4 kB / 0.9558 GB, free: 9.434 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (initialization): time 0.0001858/0.6714, allocations: 120 kB / 0.956 GB, free: 9.316 MB / 0.7013 GB Warning: Assuming fixed start value for the following 20 variables: ele13.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele13.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele14.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele14.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele15.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele15.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele16.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele16.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele26.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele26.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele36.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele36.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele46.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele46.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele23.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele23.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele24.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele24.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele25.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele25.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele35.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele35.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele45.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele45.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele12.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele12.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele22.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele22.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele55.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele55.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele56.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele56.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele65.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele65.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele66.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele66.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele21.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele21.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real ele11.T:VARIABLE(min = 0.0 start = ele11.T_start unit = \"K\" fixed = true nominal = 300.0 ) \"Temperature of the thermal node\" type: Real Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for initialization: * Number of independent subsystems: 105 * Number of states: 0 () * Number of discrete variables: 0 () * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for initialization (319): * Single equations (assignments): 271 * Array equations: 0 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 48 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 48 systems {(1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%)} * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 0 systems Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 0.001011/0.6724, allocations: 0.5349 MB / 0.9565 GB, free: 8.777 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt lateInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.0003231/0.6727, allocations: 230.5 kB / 0.9567 GB, free: 8.551 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt wrapFunctionCalls (simulation): time 0.0004753/0.6732, allocations: 245.8 kB / 0.9569 GB, free: 8.305 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 1.911e-05/0.6732, allocations: 23.94 kB / 0.957 GB, free: 8.281 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt constantLinearSystem (simulation): time 7.925e-05/0.6733, allocations: 20 kB / 0.957 GB, free: 8.262 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifysemiLinear (simulation): time 1.537e-05/0.6733, allocations: 7.969 kB / 0.957 GB, free: 8.254 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.00732/0.6806, allocations: 5.108 MB / 0.962 GB, free: 2.734 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (simulation): time 5.26e-06/0.6806, allocations: 3.938 kB / 0.962 GB, free: 2.73 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.001072/0.6817, allocations: 251.8 kB / 0.9622 GB, free: 2.484 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (simulation): time 0.002581/0.6843, allocations: 1.047 MB / 0.9632 GB, free: 1.289 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt inputDerivativesUsed (simulation): time 8.603e-05/0.6844, allocations: 35.94 kB / 0.9633 GB, free: 1.254 MB / 0.7013 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (simulation): time 0.04896/0.7333, allocations: 67.03 MB / 1.029 GB, free: 7.504 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStateSetsJacobians (simulation): time 2.144e-06/0.7333, allocations: 3.938 kB / 1.029 GB, free: 7.5 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt symbolicJacobian (simulation): time 0.005854/0.7392, allocations: 3.134 MB / 1.032 GB, free: 4.195 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeConstants (simulation): time 0.0008676/0.7401, allocations: 323.3 kB / 1.032 GB, free: 3.859 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyTimeIndepFuncCalls (simulation): time 0.0002283/0.7403, allocations: 32 kB / 1.032 GB, free: 3.828 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (simulation): time 0.0009918/0.7413, allocations: 31.98 kB / 1.032 GB, free: 3.797 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt findZeroCrossings (simulation): time 0.0004949/0.7418, allocations: 185.6 kB / 1.032 GB, free: 3.617 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (simulation): time 8.722e-05/0.7419, allocations: 47.98 kB / 1.032 GB, free: 3.57 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of sorting global known variables: time 0.001422/0.7433, allocations: 1.027 MB / 1.033 GB, free: 2.52 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of sort global known variables: time 9e-08/0.7433, allocations: 0 / 1.033 GB, free: 2.52 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of remove unused functions: time 0.003228/0.7465, allocations: 0.9212 MB / 1.034 GB, free: 1.598 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for simulation: * Number of independent subsystems: 1 * Number of states: 20 (ele13.T,ele14.T,ele15.T,ele16.T,ele26.T,ele36.T,ele46.T,ele23.T,ele24.T,ele25.T,ele35.T,ele45.T,ele12.T,ele22.T,ele55.T,ele56.T,ele65.T,ele66.T,ele21.T,ele11.T) * Number of discrete variables: 0 () * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for simulation (115): * Single equations (assignments): 67 * Array equations: 0 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 48 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 48 systems {(1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,1,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%), (1,2,100.0%)} * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 0 systems Notification: Performance of Backend phase and start with SimCode phase: time 0.0002678/0.7468, allocations: 175.8 kB / 1.034 GB, free: 1.418 MB / 0.7794 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created initialization part: time 0.008595/0.7554, allocations: 7.25 MB / 1.042 GB, free: 9.543 MB / 0.795 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created event and clocks part: time 5.66e-06/0.7554, allocations: 0 / 1.042 GB, free: 9.543 MB / 0.795 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created simulation system equations: time 0.006897/0.7623, allocations: 6.293 MB / 1.048 GB, free: 2.625 MB / 0.795 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created of all other equations (e.g. parameter, nominal, assert, etc): time 0.002775/0.7651, allocations: 0.5875 MB / 1.048 GB, free: 2.031 MB / 0.795 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created linear, non-linear and system jacobian parts: time 0.007717/0.7728, allocations: 4.765 MB / 1.053 GB, free: 13.25 MB / 0.8106 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: some other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.001218/0.774, allocations: 1.492 MB / 1.054 GB, free: 11.73 MB / 0.8106 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: all other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.0004567/0.7744, allocations: 131.4 kB / 1.054 GB, free: 11.6 MB / 0.8106 GB Notification: Performance of SimCode: time 6.42e-07/0.7744, allocations: 0 / 1.054 GB, free: 11.6 MB / 0.8106 GB Notification: Performance of Templates: time 0.5867/1.361, allocations: 410.1 MB / 1.455 GB, free: 2.371 MB / 0.8888 GB " [Timeout remaining time 659] make -j1 -f BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner.makefile [Timeout 660] (rm -f BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner.pipe ; mkfifo BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner.pipe ; head -c 1048576 < BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner.pipe >> ../files/BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner.sim & ./BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner -abortSlowSimulation -alarm=480 -lv LOG_STATS > BuildingSystems_BuildingSystems.HAM.HeatConduction.Examples.HeatConduction2DCorner.pipe 2>&1) [Timeout 480] [Calling sys.exit(0), Time elapsed: 24.781496171141043] Failed to read output from, exit status != 0: 1.3685619309544563 1.378834116 0.833406949 Calling exit ...