Running: ./ --libraries=/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries --ompython_omhome=/usr ModelicaTest_trunk_ModelicaTest.Math.TestInterpolateTimeVarying.conf.json loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/ time 0.00181/0.001811, allocations: 113.9 kB / 19.13 MB, free: 3.922 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/ time 0.002247/0.002247, allocations: 212.9 kB / 22.08 MB, free: 0.9727 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica trunk/ time 1.518/1.518, allocations: 227.4 MB / 252.3 MB, free: 72 kB / 190.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 178] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaTest trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaTest trunk/ time 0.2649/0.2649, allocations: 46.16 MB / 351.8 MB, free: 14.3 MB / 286.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] Using package ModelicaTest with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaTest trunk/ Using package Modelica with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica trunk/ Using package Complex with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/ Using package ModelicaServices with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/ Running command: translateModel(ModelicaTest.Math.TestInterpolateTimeVarying,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="mat",numberOfIntervals=5002,variableFilter="time|xIntegrated",fileNamePrefix="ModelicaTest_trunk_ModelicaTest.Math.TestInterpolateTimeVarying") translateModel(ModelicaTest.Math.TestInterpolateTimeVarying,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="mat",numberOfIntervals=5002,variableFilter="time|xIntegrated",fileNamePrefix="ModelicaTest_trunk_ModelicaTest.Math.TestInterpolateTimeVarying") [Timeout 660] "Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - loaded program: time 0.00242/0.00242, allocations: 79.92 kB / 490.8 MB, free: 28.06 MB / 366.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - Absyn->SCode: time 0.1227/0.1251, allocations: 62.44 MB / 0.5403 GB, free: 4.277 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instantiate(ModelicaTest.Math.TestInterpolateTimeVarying): time 0.001918/0.1271, allocations: 0.5164 MB / 0.5408 GB, free: 3.754 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instExpressions: time 0.0006/0.1277, allocations: 219.8 kB / 0.541 GB, free: 3.539 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.updateImplicitVariability: time 2.747e-05/0.1277, allocations: 0 / 0.541 GB, free: 3.539 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeComponents: time 0.000157/0.1279, allocations: 7.984 kB / 0.541 GB, free: 3.531 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeBindings: time 2.868e-05/0.128, allocations: 7.938 kB / 0.5411 GB, free: 3.523 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeClassSections: time 0.0003238/0.1283, allocations: 51.81 kB / 0.5411 GB, free: 3.473 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.flatten: time 7.198e-05/0.1284, allocations: 15.98 kB / 0.5411 GB, free: 3.457 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.resolveConnections: time 5.046e-05/0.1284, allocations: 0 / 0.5411 GB, free: 3.457 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFEvalConstants.evaluate: time 2.643e-05/0.1285, allocations: 15.94 kB / 0.5411 GB, free: 3.441 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFSimplifyModel.simplify: time 0.0001225/0.1286, allocations: 27.95 kB / 0.5412 GB, free: 3.414 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFPackage.collectConstants: time 1.728e-05/0.1286, allocations: 3.938 kB / 0.5412 GB, free: 3.41 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.collectFunctions: time 0.0001412/0.1288, allocations: 55.88 kB / 0.5412 GB, free: 3.355 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFScalarize.scalarize: time 3.929e-05/0.1288, allocations: 12 kB / 0.5412 GB, free: 3.344 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFVerifyModel.verify: time 4.306e-05/0.1289, allocations: 19.86 kB / 0.5412 GB, free: 3.324 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFConvertDAE.convert: time 0.0001879/0.129, allocations: 63.77 kB / 0.5413 GB, free: 3.262 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - DAE generated: time 4.228e-06/0.1291, allocations: 4 kB / 0.5413 GB, free: 3.258 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd: time 3.828e-06/0.1291, allocations: 0 / 0.5413 GB, free: 3.258 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of Transformations before backend: time 6.452e-06/0.1291, allocations: 3.938 kB / 0.5413 GB, free: 3.254 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Model statistics after passing the front-end and creating the data structures used by the back-end: * Number of equations: 16 * Number of variables: 16 Notification: Performance of Generate backend data structure: time 0.0006177/0.1297, allocations: 359.3 kB / 0.5417 GB, free: 2.852 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of prepare preOptimizeDAE: time 4.574e-05/0.1298, allocations: 12.03 kB / 0.5417 GB, free: 2.84 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt normalInlineFunction (simulation): time 3.976e-05/0.1298, allocations: 4.891 kB / 0.5417 GB, free: 2.836 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt evaluateParameters (simulation): time 0.0001738/0.13, allocations: 168.3 kB / 0.5418 GB, free: 2.633 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt simplifyIfEquations (simulation): time 9.277e-06/0.13, allocations: 4.375 kB / 0.5418 GB, free: 2.629 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt expandDerOperator (simulation): time 3.303e-05/0.13, allocations: 4.359 kB / 0.5418 GB, free: 2.625 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt clockPartitioning (simulation): time 0.00022/0.1303, allocations: 94.22 kB / 0.5419 GB, free: 2.527 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt findStateOrder (simulation): time 1.278e-05/0.1303, allocations: 192 / 0.5419 GB, free: 2.527 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt replaceEdgeChange (simulation): time 1.696e-05/0.1303, allocations: 7.875 kB / 0.5419 GB, free: 2.52 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 4.077e-05/0.1304, allocations: 19.98 kB / 0.542 GB, free: 2.5 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeEqualRHS (simulation): time 0.0001232/0.1305, allocations: 63.95 kB / 0.542 GB, free: 2.438 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.0002482/0.1307, allocations: 193.5 kB / 0.5422 GB, free: 2.199 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt comSubExp (simulation): time 0.0002991/0.131, allocations: 132.4 kB / 0.5423 GB, free: 2.062 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt resolveLoops (simulation): time 9.777e-05/0.1312, allocations: 60.84 kB / 0.5424 GB, free: 2 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt evalFunc (simulation): time 4.857e-05/0.1312, allocations: 11.98 kB / 0.5424 GB, free: 1.988 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt encapsulateWhenConditions (simulation): time 2.861e-05/0.1313, allocations: 30.56 kB / 0.5424 GB, free: 1.949 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of pre-optimization done (n=16): time 1.442e-06/0.1313, allocations: 3.938 kB / 0.5424 GB, free: 1.945 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=30): time 0.003573/0.1348, allocations: 2.223 MB / 0.5446 GB, free: 15.69 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of inlineWhenForInitialization (initialization): time 4.247e-05/0.1349, allocations: 51.64 kB / 0.5447 GB, free: 15.63 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of selectInitializationVariablesDAE (initialization): time 8.899e-05/0.135, allocations: 101.8 kB / 0.5447 GB, free: 15.52 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of collectPreVariables (initialization): time 4.305e-05/0.135, allocations: 29.7 kB / 0.5448 GB, free: 15.48 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of collectInitialEqns (initialization): time 3.708e-05/0.1351, allocations: 80.7 kB / 0.5449 GB, free: 15.4 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of collectInitialBindings (initialization): time 0.0001107/0.1352, allocations: 103.1 kB / 0.545 GB, free: 15.3 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of simplifyInitialFunctions (initialization): time 0.0001571/0.1354, allocations: 97.78 kB / 0.545 GB, free: 15.2 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of setup shared object (initialization): time 0.0001406/0.1355, allocations: 326.8 kB / 0.5454 GB, free: 14.87 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of preBalanceInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.0006521/0.1362, allocations: 0.5778 MB / 0.5459 GB, free: 14.29 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of partitionIndependentBlocks (initialization): time 0.0006356/0.1368, allocations: 0.5856 MB / 0.5465 GB, free: 13.71 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: It was not possible to check the given initialization system for consistency symbolically, because the relevant equations are part of an algebraic loop. This is not supported yet. Notification: Performance of analyzeInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.002646/0.1395, allocations: 2.045 MB / 0.5485 GB, free: 11.66 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of solveInitialSystemEqSystem (initialization): time 1.062e-06/0.1395, allocations: 0 / 0.5485 GB, free: 11.66 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=30) (initialization): time 0.001971/0.1415, allocations: 1.71 MB / 0.5502 GB, free: 9.941 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 2.218e-05/0.1415, allocations: 6.031 kB / 0.5502 GB, free: 9.938 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (initialization): time 0.002015/0.1435, allocations: 1.52 MB / 0.5516 GB, free: 8.414 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (initialization): time 0.0007513/0.1443, allocations: 408.5 kB / 0.552 GB, free: 8.012 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (initialization): time 0.0002227/0.1445, allocations: 67.89 kB / 0.5521 GB, free: 7.945 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (initialization): time 0.001241/0.1458, allocations: 1.185 MB / 0.5533 GB, free: 6.734 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (initialization): time 0.0001186/0.1459, allocations: 4 kB / 0.5533 GB, free: 6.73 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (initialization): time 9.009e-05/0.146, allocations: 76.06 kB / 0.5533 GB, free: 6.656 MB / 414.1 MB Warning: The initial conditions are over specified. The following 1 initial equations are redundant, so they are removed from the initialization system: tabx[2] = 1.0 + 0.1 * time. Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for initialization: * Number of independent subsystems: 1 * Number of states: 0 () * Number of discrete variables: 1 (i) * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for initialization (27): * Single equations (assignments): 25 * Array equations: 0 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 1 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 1 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 0 systems * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 1 system {(1,2)} Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 0.0002231/0.1462, allocations: 144.4 kB / 0.5535 GB, free: 6.508 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of postOpt lateInlineFunction (simulation): time 4.791e-05/0.1463, allocations: 11.95 kB / 0.5535 GB, free: 6.496 MB / 414.1 MB Error: Internal error IndexReduction.pantelidesIndexReduction failed! System is structurally singular and cannot be handled because the number of unassigned equations is larger than the number of states. Use -d=bltdump to get more information. Error: Internal error Transformation Module PFPlusExt index Reduction Method Pantelides failed! Notification: Performance of postOpt wrapFunctionCalls (simulation): time 0.00159/0.1479, allocations: 0.8866 MB / 0.5544 GB, free: 5.605 MB / 414.1 MB Error: post-optimization module wrapFunctionCalls (simulation) failed. " [Timeout remaining time 660] [Calling sys.exit(0), Time elapsed: 3.032584990025498] Failed to read output from, exit status != 0: ['time', 'xIntegrated'] 0.15537512896116823 0.170183149 0.038318057 Calling exit ...