Running: ./ --libraries=/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries --ompython_omhome=/usr Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2.conf.json loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices", uses=false) loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex", uses=false) loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica", uses=false) loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Buildings 11.1.0-maint.11.x/", uses=false) Using package Buildings with version 11.1.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Buildings 11.1.0-maint.11.x/ Using package Modelica with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica Using package Complex with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex Using package ModelicaServices with version 4.0.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices Running command: translateModel(Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="empty",numberOfIntervals=5000,variableFilter="",fileNamePrefix="Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2") translateModel(Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="empty",numberOfIntervals=5000,variableFilter="",fileNamePrefix="Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2") Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices time 0.001581/0.001581, allocations: 110.9 kB / 15.99 MB, free: 6.355 MB / 14.72 MB Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex time 0.001511/0.001511, allocations: 196.5 kB / 16.91 MB, free: 6.188 MB / 14.72 MB Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica time 1.371/1.371, allocations: 222.9 MB / 240.6 MB, free: 15.44 MB / 206.1 MB Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Buildings 11.1.0-maint.11.x/ time 2.66/2.66, allocations: 469.8 MB / 0.7427 GB, free: 3.629 MB / 0.6075 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - loaded program: time 0.001847/0.001847, allocations: 66.11 kB / 0.9087 GB, free: 14.25 MB / 0.6856 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - Absyn->SCode: time 0.2791/0.2809, allocations: 159.1 MB / 1.064 GB, free: 15.13 MB / 0.8419 GB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instantiate(Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2): time 0.0147/0.2957, allocations: 12.29 MB / 1.076 GB, free: 2.785 MB / 0.8419 GB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instExpressions: time 0.6103/0.9061, allocations: 154.5 MB / 1.227 GB, free: 232 kB / 0.9356 GB Notification: Performance of NFInst.updateImplicitVariability: time 0.002556/0.9087, allocations: 59.78 kB / 1.227 GB, free: 208 kB / 0.9356 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeComponents: time 0.001034/0.9097, allocations: 217.8 kB / 1.227 GB, free: 20 kB / 0.9356 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeBindings: time 0.00235/0.9121, allocations: 0.5794 MB / 1.228 GB, free: 15.61 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeClassSections: time 0.002486/0.9146, allocations: 0.9226 MB / 1.229 GB, free: 14.93 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.flatten: time 0.002179/0.9168, allocations: 1.957 MB / 1.231 GB, free: 13.72 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.resolveConnections: time 0.0009781/0.9178, allocations: 0.7197 MB / 1.231 GB, free: 13.3 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFEvalConstants.evaluate: time 0.000841/0.9187, allocations: 0.6842 MB / 1.232 GB, free: 12.88 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFSimplifyModel.simplify: time 0.0008518/0.9195, allocations: 0.7281 MB / 1.233 GB, free: 12.31 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFPackage.collectConstants: time 0.0002233/0.9198, allocations: 180 kB / 1.233 GB, free: 12.14 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.collectFunctions: time 0.0009547/0.9207, allocations: 0.5581 MB / 1.233 GB, free: 11.58 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFScalarize.scalarize: time 0.000387/0.9211, allocations: 426.7 kB / 1.234 GB, free: 11.16 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFVerifyModel.verify: time 0.000752/0.9219, allocations: 0.8015 MB / 1.235 GB, free: 10.36 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of NFConvertDAE.convert: time 0.002056/0.9239, allocations: 1.842 MB / 1.236 GB, free: 8.512 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - DAE generated: time 6.843e-06/0.924, allocations: 3.984 kB / 1.236 GB, free: 8.508 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd: time 1.904e-06/0.924, allocations: 0 / 1.236 GB, free: 8.508 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of Transformations before backend: time 1.942e-05/0.924, allocations: 0 / 1.236 GB, free: 8.508 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the front-end and creating the data structures used by the back-end: * Number of equations: 270 * Number of variables: 270 Notification: Performance of Generate backend data structure: time 0.003381/0.9274, allocations: 1.889 MB / 1.238 GB, free: 6.559 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of prepare preOptimizeDAE: time 4.21e-05/0.9274, allocations: 8.625 kB / 1.238 GB, free: 6.551 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt normalInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.0007606/0.9282, allocations: 222.5 kB / 1.239 GB, free: 6.332 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt evaluateParameters (simulation): time 0.001569/0.9298, allocations: 1.015 MB / 1.24 GB, free: 5.273 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt simplifyIfEquations (simulation): time 8.907e-05/0.9299, allocations: 94.05 kB / 1.24 GB, free: 5.18 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt expandDerOperator (simulation): time 0.0001863/0.9301, allocations: 124 kB / 1.24 GB, free: 5.059 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt clockPartitioning (simulation): time 0.00227/0.9324, allocations: 1.302 MB / 1.241 GB, free: 3.668 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt findStateOrder (simulation): time 2.958e-05/0.9324, allocations: 3.938 kB / 1.241 GB, free: 3.664 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt replaceEdgeChange (simulation): time 0.0001111/0.9325, allocations: 44 kB / 1.241 GB, free: 3.621 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 2.578e-05/0.9325, allocations: 27.94 kB / 1.241 GB, free: 3.594 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeEqualRHS (simulation): time 0.002214/0.9348, allocations: 1.306 MB / 1.242 GB, free: 2.285 MB / 0.9512 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.005997/0.9408, allocations: 4.064 MB / 1.246 GB, free: 14.08 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt comSubExp (simulation): time 0.001953/0.9427, allocations: 1.103 MB / 1.247 GB, free: 12.95 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt resolveLoops (simulation): time 0.0007433/0.9435, allocations: 432.4 kB / 1.248 GB, free: 12.52 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt evalFunc (simulation): time 8.001e-05/0.9436, allocations: 36.5 kB / 1.248 GB, free: 12.48 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of preOpt encapsulateWhenConditions (simulation): time 0.001226/0.9448, allocations: 0.6991 MB / 1.249 GB, free: 11.76 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of pre-optimization done (n=120): time 3.076e-06/0.9448, allocations: 0 / 1.249 GB, free: 11.76 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=120): time 0.003067/0.9479, allocations: 1.667 MB / 1.25 GB, free: 10.08 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of inlineWhenForInitialization (initialization): time 0.0002207/0.9481, allocations: 374.8 kB / 1.251 GB, free: 9.637 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of selectInitializationVariablesDAE (initialization): time 0.001208/0.9494, allocations: 0.8923 MB / 1.251 GB, free: 8.719 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of collectPreVariables (initialization): time 0.0001221/0.9495, allocations: 73.69 kB / 1.251 GB, free: 8.641 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of collectInitialEqns (initialization): time 0.0004416/0.9499, allocations: 493 kB / 1.252 GB, free: 8.152 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of collectInitialBindings (initialization): time 0.0003352/0.9503, allocations: 375 kB / 1.252 GB, free: 7.781 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of simplifyInitialFunctions (initialization): time 0.0004593/0.9507, allocations: 331.3 kB / 1.253 GB, free: 7.453 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of setup shared object (initialization): time 0.0001277/0.9509, allocations: 305.1 kB / 1.253 GB, free: 7.152 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of preBalanceInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.0008753/0.9518, allocations: 463.8 kB / 1.253 GB, free: 6.699 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of partitionIndependentBlocks (initialization): time 0.001164/0.9529, allocations: 0.7521 MB / 1.254 GB, free: 5.859 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of analyzeInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.001902/0.9548, allocations: 1.226 MB / 1.255 GB, free: 4.547 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of solveInitialSystemEqSystem (initialization): time 7.444e-06/0.9549, allocations: 4 kB / 1.255 GB, free: 4.543 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=199) (initialization): time 0.002654/0.9575, allocations: 1.496 MB / 1.257 GB, free: 3.027 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 4.646e-05/0.9576, allocations: 33.7 kB / 1.257 GB, free: 2.988 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (initialization): time 1.341e-05/0.9576, allocations: 4 kB / 1.257 GB, free: 2.984 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (initialization): time 0.000239/0.9578, allocations: 79 kB / 1.257 GB, free: 2.898 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (initialization): time 0.0008925/0.9587, allocations: 251.6 kB / 1.257 GB, free: 2.652 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (initialization): time 3.834e-05/0.9588, allocations: 24.78 kB / 1.257 GB, free: 2.625 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (initialization): time 0.0009397/0.9597, allocations: 164.9 kB / 1.257 GB, free: 2.465 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (initialization): time 0.0001316/0.9599, allocations: 75.97 kB / 1.257 GB, free: 2.391 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for initialization: * Number of independent subsystems: 24 * Number of states: 0 () * Number of discrete variables: 91 (fmuZonSou.EGaiRadLast,$PRE.fmuZonSou.EGaiRadLast,fmuZonSou.tLast,$PRE.fmuZonSou.tLast,fmuZonSou.dtLast,$PRE.fmuZonSou.dtLast,fmuZonCor.EGaiRadLast,$PRE.fmuZonCor.EGaiRadLast,fmuZonCor.tLast,$PRE.fmuZonCor.tLast,fmuZonCor.dtLast,$PRE.fmuZonCor.dtLast,building.weaDat.conTim.canRepeatWeatherFile,building.weaDat.conTimMin.canRepeatWeatherFile,building.weaDat.decAng.tNext,$PRE.building.weaDat.decAng.tNext,building.weaDat.eqnTim.tNext,$PRE.building.weaDat.eqnTim.tNext,building.weaDat.conTim.tNext,$PRE.building.weaDat.conTim.tNext,building.weaDat.conTimMin.tNext,$PRE.building.weaDat.conTimMin.tNext,building.weaDat.locTim.tNext,$PRE.building.weaDat.locTim.tNext,$whenCondition3,$whenCondition4,$whenCondition5,$whenCondition6,$whenCondition7,TZonSou.local_reset,TZonCor.local_reset,fmuZonSou.nObj,fmuZonCor.nObj,fmuZonSou.QConLast_flow,$PRE.fmuZonSou.QConLast_flow,fmuZonSou.QGaiRadAve_flow,$PRE.fmuZonSou.QGaiRadAve_flow,fmuZonSou.TRooLast,$PRE.fmuZonSou.TRooLast,fmuZonSou.TAveInlet,$PRE.fmuZonSou.TAveInlet,fmuZonSou.mInlet_flow,$PRE.fmuZonSou.mInlet_flow,fmuZonSou.tNext,$PRE.fmuZonSou.tNext,fmuZonSou.yEP[5],$PRE.fmuZonSou.yEP[5],fmuZonSou.yEP[4],$PRE.fmuZonSou.yEP[4],fmuZonSou.yEP[3],$PRE.fmuZonSou.yEP[3],fmuZonSou.yEP[2],$PRE.fmuZonSou.yEP[2],fmuZonSou.yEP[1],$PRE.fmuZonSou.yEP[1],fmuZonSou.QPeo_flow,$PRE.fmuZonSou.QPeo_flow,fmuZonSou.QLat_flow,$PRE.fmuZonSou.QLat_flow,fmuZonSou.TRad,$PRE.fmuZonSou.TRad,$whenCondition1,fmuZonCor.QConLast_flow,$PRE.fmuZonCor.QConLast_flow,fmuZonCor.QGaiRadAve_flow,$PRE.fmuZonCor.QGaiRadAve_flow,fmuZonCor.TRooLast,$PRE.fmuZonCor.TRooLast,fmuZonCor.TAveInlet,$PRE.fmuZonCor.TAveInlet,fmuZonCor.mInlet_flow,$PRE.fmuZonCor.mInlet_flow,fmuZonCor.tNext,$PRE.fmuZonCor.tNext,fmuZonCor.yEP[5],$PRE.fmuZonCor.yEP[5],fmuZonCor.yEP[4],$PRE.fmuZonCor.yEP[4],fmuZonCor.yEP[3],$PRE.fmuZonCor.yEP[3],fmuZonCor.yEP[2],$PRE.fmuZonCor.yEP[2],fmuZonCor.yEP[1],$PRE.fmuZonCor.yEP[1],fmuZonCor.QPeo_flow,$PRE.fmuZonCor.QPeo_flow,fmuZonCor.QLat_flow,$PRE.fmuZonCor.QLat_flow,fmuZonCor.TRad,$PRE.fmuZonCor.TRad,$whenCondition2) * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for initialization (182): * Single equations (assignments): 177 * Array equations: 4 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 1 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 0 systems * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 1 system {(1,5)} Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 0.0007424/0.9606, allocations: 447.4 kB / 1.258 GB, free: 1.93 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt lateInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.0002276/0.9609, allocations: 122.4 kB / 1.258 GB, free: 1.809 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt wrapFunctionCalls (simulation): time 0.002055/0.9629, allocations: 1.012 MB / 1.259 GB, free: 0.7852 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 1.793e-05/0.963, allocations: 16 kB / 1.259 GB, free: 0.7695 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt constantLinearSystem (simulation): time 7.905e-06/0.963, allocations: 0 / 1.259 GB, free: 0.7695 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifysemiLinear (simulation): time 1.401e-05/0.963, allocations: 11.91 kB / 1.259 GB, free: 0.7578 MB / 0.9669 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.002796/0.9658, allocations: 2.051 MB / 1.261 GB, free: 14.65 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (simulation): time 4.388e-06/0.9658, allocations: 0 / 1.261 GB, free: 14.65 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.0006431/0.9665, allocations: 155.8 kB / 1.261 GB, free: 14.5 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (simulation): time 1.418e-05/0.9665, allocations: 12.06 kB / 1.261 GB, free: 14.48 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt inputDerivativesUsed (simulation): time 7.959e-05/0.9666, allocations: 43.89 kB / 1.261 GB, free: 14.44 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (simulation): time 7.003e-06/0.9666, allocations: 4 kB / 1.261 GB, free: 14.44 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStateSetsJacobians (simulation): time 6.382e-06/0.9666, allocations: 4 kB / 1.261 GB, free: 14.43 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt symbolicJacobian (simulation): time 0.003326/0.9699, allocations: 2.149 MB / 1.263 GB, free: 12.25 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeConstants (simulation): time 0.0004865/0.9704, allocations: 359.2 kB / 1.264 GB, free: 11.88 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyTimeIndepFuncCalls (simulation): time 0.0001755/0.9706, allocations: 39.89 kB / 1.264 GB, free: 11.84 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (simulation): time 0.00076/0.9714, allocations: 71.92 kB / 1.264 GB, free: 11.77 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt findZeroCrossings (simulation): time 0.000179/0.9716, allocations: 96.75 kB / 1.264 GB, free: 11.67 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (simulation): time 0.000103/0.9717, allocations: 59.95 kB / 1.264 GB, free: 11.61 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of sorting global known variables: time 0.0007932/0.9725, allocations: 0.5819 MB / 1.264 GB, free: 11.02 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of sort global known variables: time 1.41e-07/0.9725, allocations: 0 / 1.264 GB, free: 11.02 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of remove unused functions: time 0.001161/0.9736, allocations: 419.2 kB / 1.265 GB, free: 10.61 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for simulation: * Number of independent subsystems: 6 * Number of states: 4 (fmuZonCor.EGaiRad,TZonCor.y,fmuZonSou.EGaiRad,TZonSou.y) * Number of discrete variables: 46 ($whenCondition2,fmuZonCor.TRad,fmuZonCor.QLat_flow,fmuZonCor.QPeo_flow,fmuZonCor.yEP[1],fmuZonCor.yEP[2],fmuZonCor.yEP[3],fmuZonCor.yEP[4],fmuZonCor.yEP[5],fmuZonCor.tNext,fmuZonCor.tLast,fmuZonCor.dtLast,fmuZonCor.mInlet_flow,fmuZonCor.TAveInlet,fmuZonCor.TRooLast,fmuZonCor.QGaiRadAve_flow,fmuZonCor.EGaiRadLast,fmuZonCor.QConLast_flow,$whenCondition1,fmuZonSou.TRad,fmuZonSou.QLat_flow,fmuZonSou.QPeo_flow,fmuZonSou.yEP[1],fmuZonSou.yEP[2],fmuZonSou.yEP[3],fmuZonSou.yEP[4],fmuZonSou.yEP[5],fmuZonSou.tNext,fmuZonSou.tLast,fmuZonSou.dtLast,fmuZonSou.mInlet_flow,fmuZonSou.TAveInlet,fmuZonSou.TRooLast,fmuZonSou.QGaiRadAve_flow,fmuZonSou.EGaiRadLast,fmuZonSou.QConLast_flow,$whenCondition7,$whenCondition6,$whenCondition5,$whenCondition4,$whenCondition3,building.weaDat.locTim.tNext,building.weaDat.conTimMin.tNext,building.weaDat.conTim.tNext,building.weaDat.eqnTim.tNext,building.weaDat.decAng.tNext) * Number of discrete states: 15 (building.weaDat.locTim.tNext,building.weaDat.conTimMin.tNext,building.weaDat.conTim.tNext,building.weaDat.eqnTim.tNext,building.weaDat.decAng.tNext,fmuZonSou.tNext,fmuZonSou.TAveInlet,fmuZonSou.tLast,fmuZonSou.EGaiRadLast,fmuZonSou.mInlet_flow,fmuZonCor.tNext,fmuZonCor.TAveInlet,fmuZonCor.tLast,fmuZonCor.EGaiRadLast,fmuZonCor.mInlet_flow) * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for simulation (124): * Single equations (assignments): 92 * Array equations: 0 * Algorithm blocks: 1 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 31 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 0 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Performance of Backend phase and start with SimCode phase: time 0.002402/0.9761, allocations: 0.8017 MB / 1.266 GB, free: 10.04 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created initialization part: time 0.003067/0.9791, allocations: 1.505 MB / 1.267 GB, free: 8.516 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created event and clocks part: time 5.26e-06/0.9792, allocations: 4 kB / 1.267 GB, free: 8.512 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created simulation system equations: time 0.0009544/0.9801, allocations: 0.5997 MB / 1.268 GB, free: 7.902 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created of all other equations (e.g. parameter, nominal, assert, etc): time 0.001582/0.9817, allocations: 375.4 kB / 1.268 GB, free: 7.562 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created linear, non-linear and system jacobian parts: time 0.004667/0.9864, allocations: 3.083 MB / 1.271 GB, free: 4.426 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: some other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.0008187/0.9872, allocations: 1.151 MB / 1.272 GB, free: 3.246 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: all other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.0005202/0.9877, allocations: 223.2 kB / 1.272 GB, free: 3.027 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of SimCode: time 7.82e-07/0.9878, allocations: 0 / 1.272 GB, free: 3.027 MB / 0.9825 GB Notification: Performance of Templates: time 0.03142/1.019, allocations: 23.09 MB / 1.295 GB, free: 12.1 MB / 1.014 GB make -j1 -f Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2.makefile (rm -f Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2.pipe ; mkfifo Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2.pipe ; head -c 1048576 < Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2.pipe >> ../files/Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2.sim & ./Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2 -abortSlowSimulation -alarm=400 -lv LOG_STATS > Buildings_11_Buildings.ThermalZones.EnergyPlus_9_6_0.BaseClasses.Validation.FMUZoneAdapterZones2.pipe 2>&1)