OpenModelica newInst from 2020-11-06 20:33:04 to 2020-11-08 23:03:44


OMC Commits1
Libraries Changed0
Number of Improvements1
Number of Regressions3
Number of Performance Improvements0
Number of Performance Regressions0

OpenModelica Changes

4486fa0ea1Adrian Popfix #6167 allow partial handling in NF when -d=nfAPI is on - allow lookup in partial classes - allow calling partial functions - instantiate partial classes and packages - add a test so we don't break this again

Library Changes


Models Affected

Buildings_7.0.0Buildings.Obsolete.Utilities.IO.Python27.Functions.Examples.Exchange (sim)Simulate → Compile
Buildings_latestBuildings.Utilities.IO.Python36.Functions.Examples.Exchange (sim)Simulate → Compile
ModelicaTest_trunk_cppModelicaTest.Media.TestOnly.FlueGas (sim)Compile → Simulate
Modelica_DeviceDriversModelica_DeviceDrivers.Blocks.Examples.TestSerialPackager_UDPWithoutReceiveThread (sim)Simulate → Compile