OpenModelica newInst from 2020-10-28 20:33:44 to 2020-10-29 20:36:19


OMC Commits2
Libraries Changed1
Number of Improvements4
Number of Regressions1
Number of Performance Improvements0
Number of Performance Regressions0

OpenModelica Changes

2ed69205a1hudsonUpdated libraries * libraries 01279f0...31c6b79 (1): > Bump libraries
f1678de157Adrian Popmore clang msys2/mingw build fixes #5307 - propagate compiler flags - support both old a new OMDev - use clang for new OMDev - fix Cpp and OMSICpp runtime build - fix OMDev/MinGW path checking in Windows - Simulation code compilation - omcCAPI clang adaptation - add a default target in SimulationRuntime/OMSICpp/Makefile.omdev.mingw - in OMSICpp link FMIL staticaly on MinGW - update OpenModelica build instructions for OMDev: OMCompiler/

Library Changes

ModelicaTest_trunk_cppFrom version trunk (revision 20201026-124026~git~OM-trunk) to trunk (revision 20201029-124026~git~OM-trunk)

Models Affected

IBPSA_latestIBPSA.Fluid.Geothermal.Borefields.BaseClasses.HeatTransfer.ThermalResponseFactors.Validation.CylindricalHeatSource (sim)Compile → Simulate
ModelicaTest_trunk_cppModelicaTest.Media.TestOnly.FlueGas (sim)Compile → Simulate
Modelica_3.2.2_cppModelica.Media.Examples.TestOnly.MixIdealGasAir (sim)Verify → Compile
Modelica_DeviceDriversModelica_DeviceDrivers.Blocks.Examples.TestSerialPackager_UDP (sim)Compile → Simulate
Modelica_DeviceDriversModelica_DeviceDrivers.Blocks.Examples.TestSerialPackager_UDPAutoBufferSize (sim)Compile → Simulate