OpenModelica newInst-daemode from 2020-09-23 06:14:24 to 2020-09-25 06:07:01


OMC Commits5
Libraries Changed0
Number of Improvements2
Number of Regressions0
Number of Performance Improvements0
Number of Performance Regressions0

OpenModelica Changes

7466cf3c27Adrian Popfixes for ticket #6013 and #6129 - use NFInst.expand instead of NFInst.instantiate in NFApi.mkFullyQual - fully qualify the path we search for and all the extends in the loaded libraries to make sure is the proper subtype of - a bit slow but it can be improved later - force instantiation when NF_API is on even if inner component is not found - speedup getExtendsModifierNames if there are no modifiers in extends
3152688adfphannebohm[C-Runtime] typo
161074e8ccAdeel AsgharFixes ticket:6107 set tcp socket before sending data
76de683fc4Adrian Popproper speedup for updateComponent #5620 - new API updateComponentStr that can be called directly via Qt API - use the new Qt API from OMEdit - fix the differences between and
2a078a0946Per ÖstlundFix listAppend warnings.

Library Changes


Models Affected

Modelica_DeviceDriversModelica_DeviceDrivers.Blocks.Examples.TestSerialPackager_MQTT (sim)Compile → Simulate
Modelica_DeviceDriversModelica_DeviceDrivers.Blocks.Examples.TestSerialPackager_UDPAutoBufferSize (sim)Compile → Simulate