OpenModelica newInst-daemode from 2019-10-30 04:50:23 to 2019-11-01 04:57:22


OMC Commits4
Libraries Changed0
Number of Improvements2
Number of Regressions0
Number of Performance Improvements0
Number of Performance Regressions0

OpenModelica Changes

269a2bfcakabdelhak[BE] update analytical to structural algorithm - switch to sparse structure - it actually works now for ticket #5452 - ToDo: full replacement
2a6332d49Adrian Popfix dependencies when building semla
5b1d632e8Per Östlund[NF] Fix type of empty array when subscripting.
08132f514kabdelhak[BE] analytical to structural singularity conv - related to ticket #5452 - implements experimental analytical to structural conversion algorithm, available with --convertAnalyticalSingularities - change BackendDAE.EQSYSTEM() by making new information about adjacency matrices available at all times: - array to scalar index-list mapping - scalar to array index mapping (not unique) - occurence rules (indexType) - Boolean: true if scalar - Boolean: true if analytical to structural singularity processing has already been done

Library Changes


Models Affected

ScalableTestSuiteScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemDC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemModelicaIndividual_N_80_M_80 (sim)Templates → Verify
ScalableTestSuiteScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemDC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemModelica_N_80_M_80 (sim)Templates → Verify