Commit | Author | Summary |
5e6b2a78f8 | kabdelhak | [NB] add record children support (#9832) |
edaf411b9d | Per Östlund | Improve unknown dimension deduction (#9831) |
36b96da665 | Andreas | Define OPENMODELICA_H_ for external includes (#9830) |
d809d73d25 | Adeel Asghar | Better way to handle icon and diagram map (#9829) |
ae0256fee6 | Adeel Asghar | Read $error in the instance api (#9828) |
f7e224c902 | Mahder Gebremedhin | Reduce number of nodes to simplify test case. (#9827) |
89761e4fcc | Adeel Asghar | Parse points for Line and Polygon (#9826) |
a187832ac4 | kabdelhak | [NB] update array adjacency matrix entries (#9820) |
91e03557ed | Adeel Asghar | Fetch the extends modifiers recursively (#9824) |
f7e88c8142 | Martin Sjölund | Use SSH to push instead of https (#9823) |
0619733cad | Martin Sjölund | Create alias for the master thesis webpage (#9822) |
50b6043b7e | Adeel Asghar | Implemented support for arrow, text styles and text alignment (#9814) |
c20433a5eb | Mahder Gebremedhin | Add the libs-for-testing target. (#9816) |
0d546de27a | kabdelhak | [NB/NF] update frontend functions for NB (#9817) |