Commit | Author | Summary |
5cb3f4128 | Martin Sjölund | Make matchcontinue inputs volatile |
782245f20 | Martin Sjölund | Update the Qt API |
e2c518957 | Martin Sjölund | Move initialization of symboltable |
5296b688f | Martin Sjölund | Handle the correct command in CORBA |
af0968b8f | Adrian Pop | fix windows build |
177b914b4 | Martin Sjölund | Do not elaborate using scripting functions in models |
fbbbe205b | Martin Sjölund | Evaluate uriToFilename in the script environment |
75770db86 | Martin Sjölund | Change examples to new uriToFilename |
95af27516 | Martin Sjölund | [FMI2] Handle the jump buffers better |
1b2f2b9ee | Martin Sjölund | [FMI2] Copy resources into the FMU |
103b43500 | Martin Sjölund | Check for undeclared functions |
620b30df5 | Martin Sjölund | Move win32/mingw32 realpath to simulation runtime |
bd035a4c0 | Martin Sjölund | Generate fewer templates during bootstrapping |
8a7d7b192 | Martin Sjölund | Redesign SymbolTable handling |
AdvancedNoise | AdvancedNoise.Examples.InterpolateRandomNumbers | FrontEnd → Failed |
AdvancedNoise | AdvancedNoise.Examples.SignalBasedInterpolation | FrontEnd → Failed |
AdvancedNoise | AdvancedNoise.Examples.TimeBasedInterpolation | FrontEnd → Failed |
AdvancedNoise | AdvancedNoise.Tests.Derivatives | FrontEnd → Failed |
AdvancedNoise | AdvancedNoise.Tests.FrequencyShaping | FrontEnd → Failed |
BuildSysPro | BuildSysPro.IBPSA.Fluid.Examples.Performance.PressureDrop.SeriesDpOptimised | Failed → Simulate |
BuildSysPro | BuildSysPro.IBPSA.Fluid.FixedResistances.Examples.PressureDrop | Simulate → Failed |
BuildSysPro | BuildSysPro.IBPSA.Fluid.Sensors.Examples.TraceSubstances | SimCode → Simulate |
ModelicaTest_3.2.1_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.InitializationConversion.Joints | Compile → Simulate |
ModelicaTest_3.2.2 | ModelicaTest.Math.TestBooleanFunctions | Simulate → SimCode |
ModelicaTest_3.2.2_cpp | ModelicaTest.Math.Random.TestDistributions | Simulate → Templates |
ModelicaTest_3.2.2_cpp | ModelicaTest.Math.Random.TestSpecial | Simulate → Templates |
ModelicaTest_3.2.2_cpp | ModelicaTest.Math.Random.TestTruncatedDistributions | Simulate → Templates |
ModelicaTest_3.2.2_cpp | ModelicaTest.Math.TestBooleanFunctions | Simulate → Templates |
ModelicaTest_3.2.2_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.InitializationConversion.Joints | Compile → Simulate |
ModelicaTest_trunk | ModelicaTest.Math.Random.TestDistributions | Compile performance 2.32 → 20.40 |
ModelicaTest_trunk | ModelicaTest.Math.TestBooleanFunctions | Simulate → SimCode |
ModelicaTest_trunk | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.RevolutePlanarLoopConstraint | Simulate → Compile |
ModelicaTest_trunk_cpp | ModelicaTest.Math.Random.TestDistributions | Simulate → Templates |
ModelicaTest_trunk_cpp | ModelicaTest.Math.Random.TestSpecial | Simulate → Templates |
ModelicaTest_trunk_cpp | ModelicaTest.Math.Random.TestTruncatedDistributions | Simulate → Templates |
ModelicaTest_trunk_cpp | ModelicaTest.Math.TestBooleanFunctions | Simulate → Templates |
ModelicaTest_trunk_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.InitializationConversion.Joints | Compile → Simulate |
Modelica_DeviceDrivers | Modelica_DeviceDrivers.Blocks.Examples.TestSerialPackager_UDPAutoBufferSize | Simulate → Compile |
Modelica_DeviceDrivers | Modelica_DeviceDrivers.Blocks.Examples.TestSerialPackager_UDPExternalTrigger | Compile → Simulate |
Modelica_trunk_cpp | Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Elementary.ThreeSprings | Verify → Compile |
PowerSystems | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.PowerWorld | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.CityTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.WindFarmGridTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.WindFarmHVDCTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.WindFarmLoadTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems_cpp | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.CityTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems_cpp | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.WindFarmGridTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems_cpp | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.WindFarmHVDCTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems_latest | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.PowerWorld | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems_latest | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.CityTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems_latest | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.WindFarmGridTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems_latest | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.WindFarmHVDCTest | Simulate → Compile |
PowerSystems_latest | PowerSystems.Examples.PowerWorld.Test.WindFarmLoadTest | Simulate → Compile |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Mechanical.FlexibleBeam.ScaledExperiments.FlexibleBeamModelica_N_16 | Simulate performance 35.93 → 13.69 |