Commit | Author | Summary |
591485e | Bernhard Thiele | Fix FMU import related simulation deviations |
acc20cc | Adeel Asghar | Check if the list is empty. |
ca1c6de | hkiel | increase size of base array to avoid expensive re-sizing |
7029f3a | niklwors | fix for coping sim values in BufferReaderWriter |
90441d8 | ptaeuber | Improve model_info.json |
64eefbb | ptaeuber | Speed up tearing matching a bit |
498ae9f | Adeel Asghar | If an embedded server is specified. |
02b0bab | Adeel Asghar | Output the information when opc-ua server is initialized. |
0fc8e09 | hkiel | optimize ResolveLoops.getShortPathsBetweenEqCrossNodes() further |
107d88d | ptaeuber | Add execStat for matching/sorting of init dae |
da6c53f | hkiel | avoid multiple sorts |
743991c | hkiel | fix reverse ranges n:-1:1 |
89f3548 | hkiel | fix List.sortIntN() |
9a5c35e | hkiel | sort lists before intersection to speed up |
feee0cf | hkiel | implement intersection on sorted Integer lists |
767bebd | hkiel | Remove loop check from differentiation ther is still a maxIteration check. reduces running time tremendously |
bfbc145 | ptaeuber | Count tmp vars to unknowns in SimCode EqSystem |
6210640 | ptaeuber | Add more info to SimCode EqSystem |
0b0a647 | hkiel | use AvlSetInt instead of too big List.uniqueIntN() array for large models |
Buildings_1.6 | Buildings.Fluid.HeatExchangers.Boreholes.BaseClasses.Examples.SingleUTubeResistances | Compile → Simulate |
Modelica_Synchronous | Modelica_Synchronous.Examples.Elementary.BooleanSignals.TimeBasedPulse | Simulate → Verify |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.BreakerCircuits.ScaledExperiments.BreakerNetworkDelayed_N_1280 | Failed → Compile |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.BreakerCircuits.ScaledExperiments.BreakerNetworkDelayed_N_320 | BackEnd performance 13.97 → 5.97 |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.BreakerCircuits.ScaledExperiments.BreakerNetworkDelayed_N_640 | BackEnd performance 0:01:48 → 22.42 |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.BreakerCircuits.ScaledExperiments.BreakerNetwork_N_1280 | Failed → Compile |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.BreakerCircuits.ScaledExperiments.BreakerNetwork_N_320 | BackEnd performance 12.53 → 4.32 |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.BreakerCircuits.ScaledExperiments.BreakerNetwork_N_640 | BackEnd performance 0:01:42 → 16.82 |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemDC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemModelica_N_80_M_80 | Failed → Simulate |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Thermal.Advection.ScaledExperiments.SimpleAdvection_N_12800 | Failed → Compile |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Thermal.Advection.ScaledExperiments.SimpleAdvection_N_3200 | BackEnd performance 30.82 → 3.28 |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Thermal.Advection.ScaledExperiments.SimpleAdvection_N_6400 | BackEnd performance 0:03:40 → 9.47 |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Thermal.Advection.ScaledExperiments.SteamPipe_N_320 | Simulate → Compile |