Commit | Author | Summary |
06e3ebd | Martin Sjölund | Add an internal flag for graphics mode |
fd91546 | Martin Sjölund | Do not ignore errors in icons |
3f636cd | Per Östlund | Change getCommandLineOptions failure mode. |
57cdce5 | Martin Sjölund | Ignore illegal inputs to records (for icons) |
17cecc3 | Per Östlund | Change getCommandLineOptions to return an array. |
674967b | Martin Sjölund | Changes to ModelicaBuiltin |
e4c31ea | ptaeuber | Set fixed attribute in globalKnownVars for ... |
d9d4df5 | Adrian Pop | fixes for ticket:4248 - properly revert flag Flags.CHECK_MODEL to the previous state |
ccdf5e9 | Per Östlund | Added new API call getCommandLineOptions. |
ba8f12e | Martin Sjölund | Handle double matrix when strings are expected |
ModelicaTest_3.1_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.RevolutePlanarLoopConstraint | Simulate performance 0.26 → 0:18:18 |
ModelicaTest_3.1_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.UniversalSpherical | Simulate performance 1.26 → 0:03:25 |
ModelicaTest_3.2.1_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.RevolutePlanarLoopConstraint | Simulate performance 0.27 → 0:18:21 |
ModelicaTest_3.2.1_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.UniversalSpherical | Simulate performance 0:20:38 → 0:03:17 |
ModelicaTest_3.2.2_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.RevolutePlanarLoopConstraint | Simulate performance 0.20 → 0:18:34 |
ModelicaTest_3.2.2_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.UniversalSpherical | Simulate performance 1.04 → 0:03:30 |
ModelicaTest_trunk_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.RevolutePlanarLoopConstraint | Simulate performance 0.21 → 0:18:19 |
ModelicaTest_trunk_cpp | ModelicaTest.MultiBody.Joints.UniversalSpherical | Simulate performance 1.13 → 0:03:32 |
Modelica_3.2.1_cpp | Modelica.Magnetic.FundamentalWave.Examples.BasicMachines.SMPM_Inverter_MultiPhase | Verify → Compile |
Modelica_3.2.2 | Modelica.Fluid.Examples.IncompressibleFluidNetwork | Verify → Compile |
Modelica_3.2.2_cpp | Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar1 | Verify → Compile |
Modelica_trunk_cpp | Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.EngineV6 | BackEnd performance 12.69 → 7.23 |
Modelica_trunk_cpp | Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Fourbar1 | Verify → Compile |
PlanarMechanics | PlanarMechanics.Examples.KinematicLoop_DynamicStateSelection | Simulate → Templates |
PowerSystems_cpp | PowerSystems.Examples.AC1ph_DC.Elementary.DoublelLine | Compile → Simulate |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemAC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemLinearIndividual_N_10_M_10 | Simulate → Compile |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemAC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemLinearIndividual_N_40_M_40 | Templates → Failed |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemAC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemLinear_N_40_M_40 | Simulate performance 39.33 → 15.00 |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemDC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemModelicaActiveLoads_N_80_M_80 | Compile → Templates |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemDC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemModelica_N_80_M_80 | Simulate → Templates |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Mechanical.FlexibleBeam.ScaledExperiments.FlexibleBeamModelica_N_32 | BackEnd performance 16.47 → 9.36 |
ScalableTestSuite | ScalableTestSuite.Mechanical.FlexibleBeam.ScaledExperiments.FlexibleBeamModelica_N_64 | BackEnd performance 38.49 → 21.16 |