Running: ./ --libraries=/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries --ompython_omhome=/usr Modelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1a.conf.json loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/ time 0.001498/0.001498, allocations: 119.3 kB / 21.17 MB, free: 0.7734 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/ time 0.002065/0.002065, allocations: 215.5 kB / 24.46 MB, free: 4.359 MB / 14.72 MB " [Timeout remaining time 180] loadFile("/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica", uses=false) [Timeout 180] "Notification: Performance of loadFile(/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica time 1.512/1.512, allocations: 230.4 MB / 258.1 MB, free: 8.152 MB / 206.1 MB " [Timeout remaining time 178] Using package Modelica with version 4.1.0 (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Modelica Using package Complex with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/Complex trunk/ Using package ModelicaServices with version trunk (/home/hudson/saved_omc/libraries/.openmodelica/libraries/ModelicaServices trunk/ Running command: translateModel(Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1a,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="mat",numberOfIntervals=5002,variableFilter="time|inertia.phi|inertia.w",fileNamePrefix="Modelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1a") translateModel(Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1a,tolerance=1e-06,outputFormat="mat",numberOfIntervals=5002,variableFilter="time|inertia.phi|inertia.w",fileNamePrefix="Modelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1a") [Timeout 660] "Warning: Requested package Modelica of version trunk, but this package was already loaded with version 4.1.0. OpenModelica cannot reason about compatibility between the two packages since they are not semantic versions. Warning: Requested package Complex of version 4.1.0, but this package was already loaded with version trunk. OpenModelica cannot reason about compatibility between the two packages since they are not semantic versions. Warning: Requested package ModelicaServices of version 4.1.0, but this package was already loaded with version trunk. OpenModelica cannot reason about compatibility between the two packages since they are not semantic versions. Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - loaded program: time 0.001917/0.001917, allocations: 75.81 kB / 378.8 MB, free: 2.863 MB / 302.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - Absyn->SCode: time 0.2484/0.2503, allocations: 53.31 MB / 432.1 MB, free: 7.383 MB / 334.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instantiate(Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1a): time 0.02119/0.2715, allocations: 19.47 MB / 451.5 MB, free: 3.824 MB / 350.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.instExpressions: time 0.01334/0.2848, allocations: 6.029 MB / 457.6 MB, free: 13.78 MB / 366.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFInst.updateImplicitVariability: time 0.003718/0.2885, allocations: 155.4 kB / 457.7 MB, free: 13.62 MB / 366.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeComponents: time 0.01159/0.3001, allocations: 5.93 MB / 463.7 MB, free: 7.676 MB / 366.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeBindings: time 0.009501/0.3096, allocations: 3.393 MB / 467 MB, free: 4.27 MB / 366.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFTyping.typeClassSections: time 0.003722/0.3134, allocations: 1.568 MB / 468.6 MB, free: 2.699 MB / 366.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.flatten: time 0.01888/0.3322, allocations: 12.68 MB / 481.3 MB, free: 5.996 MB / 382.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.resolveConnections: time 0.009231/0.3415, allocations: 5.433 MB / 486.7 MB, free: 488 kB / 382.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFEvalConstants.evaluate: time 0.007661/0.3491, allocations: 3.587 MB / 490.3 MB, free: 12.88 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFSimplifyModel.simplify: time 0.009117/0.3583, allocations: 5.126 MB / 495.4 MB, free: 7.738 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFPackage.collectConstants: time 0.002811/0.3611, allocations: 0.7148 MB / 496.2 MB, free: 7.023 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFFlatten.collectFunctions: time 0.005029/0.3661, allocations: 1.697 MB / 497.9 MB, free: 5.324 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFScalarize.scalarize: time 0.006527/0.3726, allocations: 4.321 MB / 0.4904 GB, free: 0.9922 MB / 398.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFVerifyModel.verify: time 0.008633/0.3812, allocations: 4.448 MB / 0.4947 GB, free: 12.52 MB / 414.1 MB Notification: Performance of NFConvertDAE.convert: time 0.01988/0.4011, allocations: 13.65 MB / 0.5081 GB, free: 14.82 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd - DAE generated: time 7.204e-06/0.4011, allocations: 4 kB / 0.5081 GB, free: 14.82 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of FrontEnd: time 1.793e-06/0.4011, allocations: 0 / 0.5081 GB, free: 14.82 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of Transformations before backend: time 0.0004881/0.4016, allocations: 3.938 kB / 0.5081 GB, free: 14.81 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Model statistics after passing the front-end and creating the data structures used by the back-end: * Number of equations: 2386 * Number of variables: 2386 Notification: Performance of Generate backend data structure: time 0.02511/0.4267, allocations: 9.898 MB / 0.5177 GB, free: 4.812 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of prepare preOptimizeDAE: time 4.194e-05/0.4268, allocations: 15.95 kB / 0.5178 GB, free: 4.797 MB / 430.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt normalInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.04571/0.4725, allocations: 5.289 MB / 0.5229 GB, free: 15.5 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt evaluateParameters (simulation): time 0.0231/0.4956, allocations: 7.933 MB / 0.5307 GB, free: 7.5 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt simplifyIfEquations (simulation): time 0.0004836/0.4961, allocations: 427.4 kB / 0.5311 GB, free: 7.082 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt expandDerOperator (simulation): time 0.002429/0.4985, allocations: 0.5854 MB / 0.5317 GB, free: 6.496 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt clockPartitioning (simulation): time 0.4376/0.9361, allocations: 16.55 MB / 0.5478 GB, free: 88.27 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt findStateOrder (simulation): time 0.0001951/0.9363, allocations: 98.12 kB / 0.5479 GB, free: 88.23 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt replaceEdgeChange (simulation): time 0.0005515/0.9368, allocations: 274 kB / 0.5482 GB, free: 88.09 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 0.003624/0.9405, allocations: 2.757 MB / 0.5509 GB, free: 87.58 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt removeEqualRHS (simulation): time 0.02063/0.9611, allocations: 13.62 MB / 0.5642 GB, free: 79.13 MB / 446.1 MB Warning: The model contains alias variables with redundant start and/or conflicting nominal values. It is recommended to resolve the conflicts, because otherwise the system could be hard to solve. To print the conflicting alias sets and the chosen candidates please use -d=aliasConflicts. Notification: Performance of preOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.09383/1.055, allocations: 67.85 MB / 0.6304 GB, free: 10.3 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt comSubExp (simulation): time 0.01898/1.074, allocations: 7.655 MB / 0.6379 GB, free: 2.5 MB / 446.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt resolveLoops (simulation): time 0.005565/1.079, allocations: 4.233 MB / 0.642 GB, free: 14.26 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt evalFunc (simulation): time 0.02605/1.106, allocations: 12.42 MB / 0.6542 GB, free: 1.77 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of preOpt encapsulateWhenConditions (simulation): time 8.103e-05/1.106, allocations: 72.44 kB / 0.6542 GB, free: 1.691 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of pre-optimization done (n=280): time 5.951e-06/1.106, allocations: 0 / 0.6542 GB, free: 1.691 MB / 462.1 MB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=339): time 0.2189/1.325, allocations: 50.47 MB / 0.7035 GB, free: 15.66 MB / 0.5138 GB Notification: Performance of inlineWhenForInitialization (initialization): time 0.0002736/1.325, allocations: 398.1 kB / 0.7039 GB, free: 15.19 MB / 0.5138 GB Notification: Performance of selectInitializationVariablesDAE (initialization): time 0.01537/1.34, allocations: 7.127 MB / 0.7109 GB, free: 8.184 MB / 0.5138 GB Notification: Performance of collectPreVariables (initialization): time 0.001027/1.341, allocations: 77.7 kB / 0.7109 GB, free: 8.102 MB / 0.5138 GB Notification: Performance of collectInitialEqns (initialization): time 0.005378/1.347, allocations: 5.193 MB / 0.716 GB, free: 3.043 MB / 0.5138 GB Notification: Performance of collectInitialBindings (initialization): time 0.002383/1.349, allocations: 1.314 MB / 0.7173 GB, free: 1.719 MB / 0.5138 GB Notification: Performance of simplifyInitialFunctions (initialization): time 0.00621/1.355, allocations: 1.877 MB / 0.7191 GB, free: 15.82 MB / 0.5294 GB Notification: Performance of setup shared object (initialization): time 0.000129/1.355, allocations: 305.1 kB / 0.7194 GB, free: 15.52 MB / 0.5294 GB Notification: Performance of preBalanceInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.008845/1.364, allocations: 4.547 MB / 0.7239 GB, free: 10.97 MB / 0.5294 GB Notification: Performance of partitionIndependentBlocks (initialization): time 0.01344/1.378, allocations: 9.259 MB / 0.7329 GB, free: 15.42 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of analyzeInitialSystem (initialization): time 0.2736/1.651, allocations: 14.53 MB / 0.7471 GB, free: 178.9 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of solveInitialSystemEqSystem (initialization): time 0.0001851/1.651, allocations: 46.36 kB / 0.7471 GB, free: 178.9 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of matching and sorting (n=1184) (initialization): time 0.03731/1.689, allocations: 19.71 MB / 0.7664 GB, free: 174.1 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 8.173e-05/1.689, allocations: 75.19 kB / 0.7665 GB, free: 174.1 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (initialization): time 0.0001308/1.689, allocations: 161.7 kB / 0.7666 GB, free: 174.1 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (initialization): time 0.01883/1.708, allocations: 7.059 MB / 0.7735 GB, free: 172.9 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (initialization): time 0.005652/1.713, allocations: 1.919 MB / 0.7754 GB, free: 172.7 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (initialization): time 0.03817/1.752, allocations: 35.34 MB / 0.8099 GB, free: 142.2 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (initialization): time 0.007526/1.759, allocations: 0.5869 MB / 0.8105 GB, free: 141.6 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (initialization): time 0.001237/1.76, allocations: 0.4958 MB / 0.8109 GB, free: 141.1 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for initialization: * Number of independent subsystems: 733 * Number of states: 0 () * Number of discrete variables: 66 (cylinder.boxColor[3],cylinder.boxColor[2],cylinder.boxColor[1],b2.cylinderColor[3],b2.cylinderColor[2],b2.cylinderColor[1],b1.cylinderColor[3],b1.cylinderColor[2],b1.cylinderColor[1],cylPosition.color[3],cylPosition.color[2],cylPosition.color[1],mid.color[3],mid.color[2],mid.color[1],crank4.color[3],crank4.color[2],crank4.color[1],crank4.body.sphereColor[3],crank4.body.sphereColor[2],crank4.body.sphereColor[1],crank3.color[3],crank3.color[2],crank3.color[1],crank3.body.sphereColor[3],crank3.body.sphereColor[2],crank3.body.sphereColor[1],crank2.color[3],crank2.color[2],crank2.color[1],crank2.body.sphereColor[3],crank2.body.sphereColor[2],crank2.body.sphereColor[1],crank1.color[3],crank1.color[2],crank1.color[1],crank1.body.sphereColor[3],crank1.body.sphereColor[2],crank1.body.sphereColor[1],bearing.cylinderColor[3],bearing.cylinderColor[2],bearing.cylinderColor[1],connectingRod.color[3],connectingRod.color[2],connectingRod.color[1],connectingRod.body.sphereColor[3],connectingRod.body.sphereColor[2],connectingRod.body.sphereColor[1],piston.color[3],piston.color[2],piston.color[1],piston.body.sphereColor[3],piston.body.sphereColor[2],piston.body.sphereColor[1],world.gravityArrowColor[3],world.gravityArrowColor[2],world.gravityArrowColor[1],world.axisColor_x[3],world.axisColor_x[2],world.axisColor_x[1],world.groundColor[3],world.groundColor[2],world.groundColor[1],world.gravitySphereColor[3],world.gravitySphereColor[2],world.gravitySphereColor[1]) * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for initialization (1048): * Single equations (assignments): 1042 * Array equations: 3 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 3 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 2 systems {(8,93,51.6%), (3,5,88.9%)} * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 1 system {(2,4)} Notification: Performance of prepare postOptimizeDAE: time 0.004861/1.765, allocations: 3.469 MB / 0.8143 GB, free: 137.7 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt lateInlineFunction (simulation): time 0.00127/1.766, allocations: 0.6669 MB / 0.815 GB, free: 137.4 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt wrapFunctionCalls (simulation): time 0.02392/1.79, allocations: 13.24 MB / 0.8279 GB, free: 124.2 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt inlineArrayEqn (simulation): time 4.803e-05/1.79, allocations: 43.94 kB / 0.828 GB, free: 124.1 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt constantLinearSystem (simulation): time 3.131e-05/1.79, allocations: 20 kB / 0.828 GB, free: 124.1 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifysemiLinear (simulation): time 5.93e-05/1.791, allocations: 15.94 kB / 0.828 GB, free: 124.1 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.05011/1.841, allocations: 26.49 MB / 0.8539 GB, free: 97.23 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyComplexFunction (simulation): time 4.99e-05/1.841, allocations: 4 kB / 0.8539 GB, free: 97.22 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt solveSimpleEquations (simulation): time 0.001957/1.843, allocations: 423.3 kB / 0.8543 GB, free: 96.81 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt tearingSystem (simulation): time 0.01793/1.861, allocations: 6.652 MB / 0.8608 GB, free: 90.14 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt inputDerivativesUsed (simulation): time 0.0008331/1.861, allocations: 56 kB / 0.8608 GB, free: 90.09 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStrongComponentJacobians (simulation): time 0.03845/1.9, allocations: 34.01 MB / 0.894 GB, free: 55.88 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt calculateStateSetsJacobians (simulation): time 7.814e-06/1.9, allocations: 11.94 kB / 0.894 GB, free: 55.87 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt symbolicJacobian (simulation): time 0.03133/1.931, allocations: 18.74 MB / 0.9123 GB, free: 36.93 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt removeConstants (simulation): time 0.002165/1.933, allocations: 0.7194 MB / 0.913 GB, free: 36.2 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyTimeIndepFuncCalls (simulation): time 0.00215/1.936, allocations: 67.42 kB / 0.9131 GB, free: 36.14 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt simplifyAllExpressions (simulation): time 0.004447/1.94, allocations: 307.5 kB / 0.9134 GB, free: 35.84 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt findZeroCrossings (simulation): time 0.001183/1.941, allocations: 248.6 kB / 0.9136 GB, free: 35.59 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of postOpt collapseArrayExpressions (simulation): time 0.0005488/1.942, allocations: 91.98 kB / 0.9137 GB, free: 35.5 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of sorting global known variables: time 0.007445/1.949, allocations: 4.551 MB / 0.9182 GB, free: 30.98 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of sort global known variables: time 1e-07/1.949, allocations: 0 / 0.9182 GB, free: 30.98 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of remove unused functions: time 0.0102/1.959, allocations: 2.12 MB / 0.9202 GB, free: 28.87 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Model statistics after passing the back-end for simulation: * Number of independent subsystems: 28 * Number of states: 2 (inertia.phi,inertia.w) * Number of discrete variables: 0 () * Number of discrete states: 0 () * Number of clocked states: 0 () * Top-level inputs: 0 Notification: Strong component statistics for simulation (214): * Single equations (assignments): 208 * Array equations: 3 * Algorithm blocks: 0 * Record equations: 0 * When equations: 0 * If-equations: 0 * Equation systems (not torn): 0 * Torn equation systems: 3 * Mixed (continuous/discrete) equation systems: 0 Notification: Torn system details for strict tearing set: * Linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars, density): 2 systems {(7,87,55.1%), (2,4,100.0%)} * Non-linear torn systems (#iteration vars, #inner vars): 1 system {(2,6)} Notification: Performance of Backend phase and start with SimCode phase: time 0.001167/1.961, allocations: 214.5 kB / 0.9204 GB, free: 28.66 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created initialization part: time 0.0172/1.978, allocations: 11.1 MB / 0.9313 GB, free: 17.53 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created event and clocks part: time 1.438e-05/1.978, allocations: 5.062 kB / 0.9313 GB, free: 17.52 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created simulation system equations: time 0.008119/1.986, allocations: 4.669 MB / 0.9358 GB, free: 12.8 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created of all other equations (e.g. parameter, nominal, assert, etc): time 0.008567/1.994, allocations: 0.982 MB / 0.9368 GB, free: 11.83 MB / 0.545 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: created linear, non-linear and system jacobian parts: time 0.2939/2.288, allocations: 20.54 MB / 0.9569 GB, free: 187.6 MB / 0.5607 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: some other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.008519/2.297, allocations: 5.448 MB / 0.9622 GB, free: 186.7 MB / 0.5607 GB Notification: Performance of simCode: all other stuff during SimCode phase: time 0.001827/2.299, allocations: 447.6 kB / 0.9626 GB, free: 186.7 MB / 0.5607 GB Notification: Performance of SimCode: time 1.242e-06/2.299, allocations: 0 / 0.9626 GB, free: 186.7 MB / 0.5607 GB Notification: Performance of Templates: time 0.5205/2.819, allocations: 207.8 MB / 1.166 GB, free: 178.5 MB / 0.5607 GB " [Timeout remaining time 657] make -j1 -f Modelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1a.makefile [Timeout 660] make -j1 -f Modelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1a.makefile clang++ -std=c++17 -fopenmp=libomp -Winvalid-pch -O2 -g -DNDEBUG -fPIC -std=c++11 -DBOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK -DUSE_DGESV -DUSE_LOGGER -DOMC_BUILD -DUSE_THREAD -DSUNDIALS_MAJOR_VERSION=5 -DSUNDIALS_MINOR_VERSION=4 -DPMC_USE_SUNDIALS -I"." -I"/var/lib/jenkins1/ws/OpenModelicaLibraryTestingWork_2/OpenModelica/OMCompiler/build/bin/../include/omc/cpp/" -I. -I"." -I"." -I"/var/lib/jenkins1/ws/OpenModelicaLibraryTestingWork_2/OpenModelica/OMCompiler/build/include/omc/sundials" -DMEASURETIME_PROFILEBLOCKS -DUSE_LOGGER -c -o OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aCalcHelperMain.o OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aCalcHelperMain.cpp In file included from OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aCalcHelperMain.cpp:29: ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:111:81: error: use of undeclared identifier 'connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_(1),connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_start_(1)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:112:81: error: use of undeclared identifier 'connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_(2),connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_start_(2)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:113:81: error: use of undeclared identifier 'connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_(3),connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_start_(3)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:114:81: error: use of undeclared identifier 'connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_(4),connectingRod_P_body_P_Q_start_(4)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:124:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank1_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank1_P_body_P_Q_(1),crank1_P_body_P_Q_start_(1)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:125:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank1_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank1_P_body_P_Q_(2),crank1_P_body_P_Q_start_(2)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:126:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank1_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank1_P_body_P_Q_(3),crank1_P_body_P_Q_start_(3)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:127:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank1_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank1_P_body_P_Q_(4),crank1_P_body_P_Q_start_(4)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:134:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank2_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank2_P_body_P_Q_(1),crank2_P_body_P_Q_start_(1)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:135:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank2_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank2_P_body_P_Q_(2),crank2_P_body_P_Q_start_(2)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:136:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank2_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank2_P_body_P_Q_(3),crank2_P_body_P_Q_start_(3)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:137:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank2_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank2_P_body_P_Q_(4),crank2_P_body_P_Q_start_(4)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:141:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank3_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank3_P_body_P_Q_(1),crank3_P_body_P_Q_start_(1)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:142:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank3_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank3_P_body_P_Q_(2),crank3_P_body_P_Q_start_(2)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:143:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank3_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank3_P_body_P_Q_(3),crank3_P_body_P_Q_start_(3)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:144:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank3_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank3_P_body_P_Q_(4),crank3_P_body_P_Q_start_(4)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:148:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank4_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank4_P_body_P_Q_(1),crank4_P_body_P_Q_start_(1)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:149:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank4_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank4_P_body_P_Q_(2),crank4_P_body_P_Q_start_(2)); ^ ./OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aInitialize.cpp:150:74: error: use of undeclared identifier 'crank4_P_body_P_Q_start_' SystemDefaultImplementation::setRealStartValue(_crank4_P_body_P_Q_(3),crank4_P_body_P_Q_start_(3)); ^ fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=] 20 errors generated. make: *** [: OMCppModelica_4.1.0-beta.om_Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Examples.Loops.Engine1aCalcHelperMain.o] Error 1 [Calling os._exit(0), Time elapsed: 6.871809865813702] Failed to read output from, exit status != 0: ['time', 'inertia.phi', 'inertia.w'] 2.8282961240038276 2.837547056 2.43388272 Calling exit ...