OpenModelica master from 2021-05-18 01:16:59 to 2021-05-18 11:56:04


OMC Commits3
Libraries Changed0
Number of Improvements2
Number of Regressions0
Number of Performance Improvements0
Number of Performance Regressions0

OpenModelica Changes

03a9a34643Adeel AsgharPush the resize element change of OMS models on the undo stack (#7470)
d2a58bdba4Adrian Popscalarize only parameters arrays with size(array) > 1 - further changes to support TransiEnt library - needed as the backend handles parameter arrays of one badly - added test: The problematic equations come from: final parameter SI.SpecificEnergy NCV_H2[:]=TransiEnt.Basics.Functions.GasProperties.getRealGasNCVVector(medium, "Net calorific value of hydrogen at 25 C and 1 bar"; final parameter SI.SpecificEnergy GCV_H2[:]=TransiEnt.Basics.Functions.GasProperties.getRealGasGCVVector(medium, "Gross calorific value of hydrogen at 25 C and 1 bar";
cae68fb0cbAdrian Popadded flags to allow non standard Modelica - added to support some non-standard Modelica libraries such as TransiEnt library. Tested with model: TransiEnt.Producer.Gas.Electrolyzer.Check.Test_400A_Espinosa_L2 - allow several exernal sections in functions in NFInst (TILMedia) - see also: modelica/ModelicaSpecification#2921 - only via flag: --allowNonStandardModelica="nonStdMultipleExternalDeclarations"

Library Changes


Models Affected

Buildings_7.0.0Buildings.Obsolete.Utilities.IO.Python27.Functions.Examples.Exchange (sim)Compile → Simulate
ScalableTestSuiteScalableTestSuite.Electrical.DistributionSystemAC.ScaledExperiments.DistributionSystemLinearIndividual_N_56_M_56 (sim)Failed → Templates